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October 10, 1967 Mr. Ted Ahl 227 New Wing, S . M . C . Collegedale, Te .essee 37315 Dear Mr. Ahl: This will ac~ ledge receipt of your letter re you.r r cent visit to Grant Par • rding I am fo rding youl' ,c omplaints long to the Committ e and I m ure they will ap rec te rin from you. On the other . d , we are quite proud of tbe c pltal improveme t made t Gr Park, rticularly replacing the nmurky gree lake 0 th th Childre ' Zoo which ttr ct ov r 70, 000 people e ch eek-end. ' Sincerely yom- , Alle, IAJz/ r CC: Mr. Jack Delius J•. �