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At ant , Georgia Jul ,, 31, 196 7 Mro I a Allen, Jr. M or of Atlanta City Ha Atlanta, Georgia Der Sir: I'm 't'IT · tin this letter to yon in regards to my dau~hter, Lynn Hal· Mitfhell who ias emnloyed b the cltv of At lan t Recre tion Department until o- y ·Jhen she res i ned. She T8S discriillAten, i1 ti~Rted a~d threa t ened with her hein ~ ire , until e qas forced to resip-n. She qas off' one a whe hPr uslJan was v er sic , an4 8bo t ti; o and a. hal f ho rs another cl.Py to ~o to the Hea~th de artment to take er nhysicQl. Ms Merch rson told he s~e had been out four days which he r attenance reco~d would nrove i , not true. Lynn just ~ran ten from Southwest DeKalb with aver~e grades and she so w:=inted to ,Tork for the city, but it SP~ms Mrs. Mercherson had a frien 't'Iho wanted thP ob. Lynn h . d a sl i crhr sneech defect, fro~ birth and I ' m sure this is why she was dis01"1'11ated 2"1inst- and I ' m sure you be ng a m:~n of' honor cAn ·p i v her- a l)ob. She resigned to keep Miss Mercherson from riavins::r the satisfactio n of havinn- fired her. I think you should 1nvest1o:ate this o!'t'ic8 8nd if it wa~ not an thing Lvnn had done, you sh0uln s~P thAt she ets a joh n so~e other denartment as she on ' t wc1nt to work for Miss Mercherson again. I am sendin~ a coov oft~ s lettPr ~o Mtss Mercherson as I wBnt: her to 1:mm, th;::,t the spe ch defect (which is verv sl ~ht) that my dau~hter has is the work of God, and I hope shP cPn sleAp w0ll fter this dirty ae~l she ~8ve my dau~hter. I cAn sPe why sbe is stili a 'MI~S ' . 0 Yours vary trulv, James H. Hall, Sr. P • .S. I hava o ~on in Viet- J\Tahm but 1-on,ler why -- for Miss Mercnerson? �