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CITY OF .ATLANTA CITY HALL ATLANTA, GA. 30303 Tel. 522-4463 Area Code 404 DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING COLLIER B. GLADIN, Direccor July 27 , 1967 Kr . Ch rle D vis Co troller City of Atl nt Atl t , G orgi De r Ch rles : Att ched is copy of a dep rt ntel r que ted cone rning n ov r 11 review of nt d t proce ing ctivitt e nd to describ th v riou probl m which ust be corr cted in order to wr pup rel ting to ClP dat nd its updat nd to de dli of J nuary l, 1968. Thi 1 the d t t t hr Ind x must be c l t d for us by th Bur pilot run prep r tio~ for the 1970 C nsus Aft r you h bad ti to review theo probl m, I lik tog t with you to discuss this furth r . ould Sine rely, ~ l~ lannin C /J cc . . rl Lander• loaur• . Gladill Dir ctor �