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v· 7 July 1967 Ur. Thompson H. Shuttleworth. Chief Land•Use Control Division Departnent of Planning City of Atlanta Atlanta. Georgia 30303 Dear Mr. Shuttle orth; This is to acknowle dge your letter of 27 June 1967. I have communicated its oontents to members of the Boulder Park Association of' Civic and Community ~ llied with us in our efforts to effeot the Clubs and other groups who best pos ible land•use control in the Adamsville community. The membership will make every effort to comply with t he wishes of the Ald rmanio Zoning Committee by the September l deadline. e are being temporarily delayed in our attaok on the zoning problem beoause of the oommunity•s pr ocoupation with Projeot 00S Ope,rationa Cool Summer) hioh involves a major total are commitment to eue neighborhood tenaiol'l.8, particularly in the shopping oenter area, nd avert the threat of m1d•eummer violence. Our p rtioul r ooncern is with unemployed teen• era and t hose rchants who a.re not in complete sympathy with n: ighbor• hood improvement programs. Significantly. our big handic pis a laak of recreational facilities in th area -- no awi i ng pools, no oommunity club houses, no CA nor YWCA, no library, no supervised reore tional tao111tiea. hope, t hrough Project 00S, h~ ver, to adv rtise our needs nd enoour e a little more effective oooper tion from City H 11. Admittedly, the D partment of Pl nn1ng is not 1 dia.tely oonoerned with an area's teenager problems, but wi e urb n planning does involve £uhioni for the eff otiv abeorption ot burgeoni area populationa. So this probl does at le t lie on the periph ry of your depart nt•a are of cono rn. As for the specif1o re tionaa tter of th (1) first, Io r zoni petitions , l haff hree per on l ot pera onally oonour with the vi wt t v ry n 1 hborhood · st have ulti•family units in order to be considered · ll•b lanced• community. A 11..._bal d oommunity, it 1e to , 1s one th t ha1 1utti len vi•• to oo od t t n of it• oitiz nry. po,e ulti•fa.mily unit on a.n are 1 oki the erTioe1 bri & pr oarioua imb l oe to �{ 2) Seoondly11 it seems to me that, by giving the oommunity a de dline, the Zoning Committee hu rolieve4 the petitioner of the burden of the proof and pl oed it on thG oitizenry. Inatead of the petitioner bav6ng to prove- g zone change should be granted, the oom• m.unity l bei~ aaked to oonoede that the petition hu ve.lidity and recommend reaa for multi-tamily ellinga. In other ords, e are being subtly inveigled to cooper• ate ag inst our beat interests. { 3) Finally, l think th t all petitions for zon cbang e for building multl•fa.m.1l y units s hould inolud "bard" pl ns for build1?lt; &djaoent sohools and reore tional fa.cilitie , s • 11 as a. tr ftio tudy of the a.r i n wnioh the unita are to be oonstruoted. In oth r ord, tho petitioner should provide tne ioni ~ Committee th a "pa.ck e 0 plan, a.e t illng the inst lle.tion of seFVioea to ooommod te the oitiiens who will 11"9 1n the multi-family unit• I haaten to - d that oh of the abov represents my pr on point or view. In the ks to follow. l plan to oonter with so of fri n.da in HUD and ted r 1 and publio hous ing in order to become more informed. In th antime, aa our pl ns to cooper 1:e with tlt Zoning Committee, • will pl'ob bly o 11 on you tor uid o and bt e. Richard K. Be.rksd le, Chairman Boulder Park Aaaooi tion ot Cb·1o and Oo o a Th Honorabl 8v ror, City or Atl Jr-. unity Oluba �