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CITY OF ATLANTA DEPARTMENT of PARKS Office of General Manager Atlanta, Georgia 30303 September 18, 1967 JAC K C. DELIUS GEN E RA L MANAGER Honorable Ivan Allen, Jr. Mayor City of Atlanta City Hall Atlanta, Georgia 30303 Dear Mr. Allen: After many months of very hard work on the part of the staff at the Reptile House and thanks to the cooperation and assistance of Ray Nixon's welder, and Fred Shepherd and Addy Chan of the Building Inspector, the Reptile House neared completion and ready for operation last week. We made a decision Saturday that if we kept waiting we never would get the place open and so we decided that come Sunday morning, September 17, we would open to the public. The only publicity we were able to get at th±s late date was a few news spots on WSB Radio Sunday morning o At 11:00 we opened the front doors and we began counting using hand counters of all adults and young p eople who came in. Children under the age of twelve were not counted. From 11:00 through 5:45, we had counted 13,057 and given out all of our 10,000 pamphlets on the b uilding ~ We received nothing b ut very favorable comments from the visitors and the only fly in the ointment was the fact that the air conditioni n g s y stem didn ~t seem capable of keeping the building reason.a bly cool with this large number of people inside . I know that you are as relieved as the unders±gned in seeing this facility fin al ly open to the public. ack c. Delius e n e ral . Manager of Parks and Recreation JCD:lg CC: All members of the Aldermanic Parks Committee �