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C ITY OF ATLANTA DEPARTMENT of PARKS Office of General Manager Atlanta, Georgia 30303 JACK C. DELIUS GENERAL MANAGER Recreation September 8, 1967 The Honorable Ivan Allen, Jr. Mayor of the City of Atlanta City Hall Atlanta, Georgia 30303 Dear Ivan: Attached you will find an autographed program of the Mayor and of the participants of the Atlanta Team . to the United States Youth Garnes. You would have b e en proud of Atlanta's Team for their behavior, participation, and success . in all of the events. Atlanta won fourth place in Track and Field, went on to the semi-finals in bowling, and placed seventh in the overall games. We were faced with real competition, and in my opinion the teams made a magnificent performance. The entire program could not have been handled better. I believe it makes for a wonderful opportunity for children to meet other children from other cities. I would like to take this opportunity to thank y ou for letting us go . The g ames will be held in St. Louis in 1968 , and I ce r tainly ho p e we will be able to p a r tici p ate . �Pa g e 2 For your information, also, these games are conducted at no expense to the City. Old London Foods and the American Machine and Foundry Company provide the money. Our only expense is the transportation and uniforms. _ I would like to be in a position to invite them to Atlanta at some future date. With kindest personal regards and thanking you for all that you did for us, I am Yours sincerely, -,~. ' / Vi~~;a Carmichael Director of Recreation VC/cap �