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August 23. 1967 Mr. E . M . Kinney , Chai rman Commiasi on on Member hip and Evangeli m Grace Methodi t Churc h 458 Ponce d Leon Avenu.e , N . E . Atlanta , Geol'g · 38308 Dear Mr. Kinney: Thi ill ckno ledge recei pt of your pplication for permit to ua Hurt Park on September 25th, 26th and 27th du.rin the noon hour hen Dr. Kermit Lon will pe k . 1 forw rding this req t to the Parka De rtm nt •• it mu.et pproved by the Par Committe • I m r comm.en.din to them that they i aue thi• roval . Sincerely yolll'a , I n Allen, Jr. Mayor l>Jr/br CC: Mr . Jack Deliu �