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- June 9 , 1967 Mr . Rob rt~ rvlll, Pr id nt tlanta 'l'ran it Syst m; Inc. P. o. Box 1595 Atlanta, Georgia Dear Mr . S 30301 rvi11 Thank you very uch for your recent ch ct in the unt of $801 ,.05 to purchase qui nt for th pl ylot locat d on Ha.b r hal, ar P rry Boulevatd . On Jqne 19, 1967, w will iutrod ce to the Bo rd of Ald n, a resolution authorizing the aeceptonc of this fund and t the ti instructing th City Cl rk to deli r to your offic an offtctal copy of th r aolutton, aring th e 1 of the city, a a tok n of ota at c r appr cl tion for this fin civic g sture . As quip th Curri r Str t playlot you h ve graciously furnished, I ill ~is you of the tot 1 cost involved and thank you ai n foT your gen rou.s attitude ud civic apirtt, I Cordi lly, ager of er JCD : jh cc ; Honorable Iv AH n, Jr./ ti.on �