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C I TY OF DEPARTMENT A PARKS of Office of General Manager Atlanta, Georgia 30303 June 5, 1967 JACK C. DELIUS GENERAL MANAGER Mrs. C.R. Brumby, Jr. 140 Barksdale Drive N. E. Atlanta, Georgia Dear Mrs. Brumby: It was realll a pleasure meeting with you and the other ladies this week to discuss your proposed Beautification Pr_o gram for the Boulevard Area. I wish to assure you that the City of Atlanta, and particulary this department, stands ready in any way and every way to assist you in this worthwhile "self-help" project. We have already had delivered to Mrs. Cantrell of the East Central Neighborhood Center, six attractive orange and white waste receptacles. As you suggested, we will allow the neighborhood to choose the block in which the cans should be placed. It is my understanding that our Dr. Buchanan has contacted you and will meet with your group later next week to discuss the tree planting program and the possibility of beautifying a front yard. Of course, the City of Atlanta cannot spend public funds or use city employees on private property; however, we are glad to give technical advice and assistance and I hope that we could receive private donations from nurseries, etc. for lawn, shrubs, etc. I A very fine young man on our staff, Mr. Stan Ayer, Assistant Parks Engineer, has been briefed on the overall project and is extremely willing and anxious to lend his technical abilities in the design of the planting scheme for the yard so chosen. I look forward to hearing from you and please keep me posted on your progress, I am pordially , I J ck C. Delius cY eral Manager of Parks and Recreation JCD :mjh xr;;;;. ('111

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