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( COPY ) ATL~FTA 30NSlI 2'C I ETY 1 9 :-lay , 1 967 Senior s..:ma tor Richird. B. Fusse l l Washington, D. C. Dear Senator Ruusell , I en c ose co:y of ~r . 3arkar ' s answer to our l ast letter (4-28-67 ) of which I sent you a cofy at that time . le do not ';ant to 1al~e a po litical issue of this , but ~ie do 11'1. t Jr . Creech to JrnoH that ue have the fa cilities and s cientists here in Atlanta for all possible ca r e against pests and diseases e 1 ,le have Dr e Juchanan , who is connected with t he United St:1tes Forestry Servic e , in h i s office right in Piedmont Park , coordina ting city , state , a n d federal pest and disease control . We have Mr.J . Oortm~n , Chief Horticulturist for the City of .Atl'l.nto. , 1·,ith his o fice in Piedmont Parle , and p reviously with Fraser ' s Hursery in 3irmingha.n , '1-bama , where many trees i:n ,or ted fro m all ov _r th2 ~;o:;_--ld 1erc j__1 his care .

fo have Mr . Oc.rl Scott , Jr ., =IeaJ of the Entomology Division of Georgia :9epartmcnt of Agriculture , and his

st::1ff , on c~111 at any time and 1-:i·J.lcing regular inspecV_ons e ~le have Dr . :· oolford Baker , professor of biology , fro~ E~ory University , and himself quite lnterested in bonsai; Mr . Fred C-alle , Scad of 1-orti culture at Cal la way Gardens , vic-:;pre si dent of the !nerican Horticulture Society , and among our m1n menbers : Dr . Os~an-Hill of the Yerkes Prima te Center , and Drs. Phelps and ~iller of CDC . Every s ingle _nembe r of our society is vi tally concerned i:1i th 1Jest - control. On e a tt'.3.ck of borers can ruin a bonsai forever. It ~ay live , but the beautiful shg,pe attained 1fter ye1.ro of p1.tinnt c1.r2 ':lnd trqi~jn~ is destroyed. Even an attack of red ,..)ider rnites disflgures an evergre2n for not less th;::t,n 3 years and ~·:iy ldll it . Jao·1.nese beetl-=? 11.rvae are fatdl to g,z·.:..leas and even aphids c2use serious virus trouble Hi th quince and other me1bers of the rose f1~ily . \fo ,;,.11 strenuously use the 'l'J.ost rnodern inventions of sy~temtcs , soil sterliz1tlon , and disease control , and we certainly do not ,r 1.n t ·1.nythlng brou5h t in to our area which T1ill cause us ~ny grief. Our tre2s 1ro too V'J.lu~ble in terms of ooth time and a10ney to t':lke any such ri ,_;}._s . Bonsai aro not lilrn other plants left to Grow themselve~. Membars ins~oct all their m,n trees d'J.ily uhile U'J.tering u.nd gro..,ming them. Dr . Ste~hens hin.elf, for~~rly connected flith the U.S. Fore ;:;try :=ervice , g'l ve us ~uch .:requen t 3.j·rice on the use of syst2mics and hygienic 1ev·uros , a:nJ TlS e ~perin2ntL'1g uith MSD on his own trees at the time of his death . �(CO P)'." ) ATL.~HT: BONs~u SOC I ETY , p .2 ~e feel that it i s a n i ~position on the Brooklyn otan ic GJ.rden to take up their space , eq_uipmdlt and time when we have just as good f a cilities and qualif i ed men here e Also ~e wan t th e peop le of the Southeastern Area to have the privil ege of 2eein.s a l i ving bonsai - .nasterpi ece , which i s a work of art j ust as a sculpture is in its category . This i s ju s t one o.f :n:.:1.ny su ch trees for displ ay which we hope to i mport through the years and must se t the preceden t of our cari ng for them ourselves .

[e 3.re also fortunate i n ha ving a climate

very s i milar to that of J3oan ( so that the tree would be mu ch better off , he re , than :1 t the 3ro oklyn 3o tani c Garden ) and the ar t of Growin g bons:::Li is beco:1in 6 very popular here amonis the horticulturally discerning . (As you kn ow, we have indi vid ua l s in Georei a spending l arge sums f or fully-automa tic greenhouses to care for expensive camellias- t hey have their Came l l i a Soci etyalso peo,,le devoted to aza l eas , alpine "'Jlan t s , and fabulous coll ections of roses , who eventual ly f i nd that bonsa i- growing is the ult i mate in horticulture .) ,le feel, too, that AtlJ.ntg, has been di Ecriminated ag~inst in not being designated as an a ir port-ofentry , and that it ~ould be a go od thing for her economy for a ll kins of air-cargo . In short , we need you__-,--_ to inform Dr ~ Creech of these facts , berause in the vastness of agriculture problems , he may not be aware that Geor~ia has come to the fore in agricultural technology . , e are sending 3 co pie s of th i s letter , at his request , to :Ir . 3te~vart ,linn , Edi tor of " The Harv8ster" , the Georgia Horticulture Society ' s publication i;-rith over 10,000 re ade rs. :.fr . i'inn :-ian ts to send these co pies to ::·r .Fred Galle , vice - president of the American Hort iculture Soci~ty , Dr . John Creech , Director of Agriculture Research Service, and Dr . Henry Skinner , Director of the National ~rboretum , beciuse of his interest in :rn~king Atl2nta ~n air oort- of-entry for nurserystock . ;re re 3.lso sending a copy to 11ayor I van Allen, Jr . at his request , be cause of similar lnterests , an~ a copy t o -~r. Opey Sh8l ton , rreside rt of the A.tl'lnta Cha,nber of Com:nerce, kno~ing his concern with making Atlanta an air art-of-entry. 1 We Know ;;rou are a very busy man , and little probleins lik.e this ta ke as ·nuch time as big onef' , but to us it is of paramount importance • .le ore sure that tho develop:rnent of our Bonsai G2rden uill add lustre to Atlanta ' s im·.1ce nationally . Kno·rlnt of .your deep intGrect in Atlanta , Georcia, and the South , and the South 's ~rogre2s , 11e ask you: 1 . to inform Dr. Jreech , of the USD~, of our available f~cilities and thoroughly capable , above-n:imed scientists , and 2. to help Ui have Atlanta recognized as an air ~Jrt -of- entry ~nd as a metropolis as procressive as New Yorl City. Thanking you in the name of the J.. tlan ta Bonsai Society, the Geore:ia Horticulture·Society, and all the ..,eople of Atlanta , Sincerely , ( Signed ) Larry Williams , Chairman of Committee for Me no rial Garden �