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555 East .Anthony Street N.W. Atlanta 18, Georgia July· 15,1967 · Mayor Ivan Allen City Hall-i /[) ---:---7 .. <> AtlanteY;o~c-.ocb / ~ Dear Sir, ~/~ e /?. __ . ...-(__ ~~ ~ ~ a ~ . I am w-ri tting you hoping you are able to help me in some wa:y. I live at 555 E.Anthony St.N .H. ,my back yard is at the base of Maddox Park where there is a ditch that belongs to the city. When it rains the ditch overuns with water, the water therefore backs up into my bac~cdoor into my house an d my whole downstairs is then flooded with water. When this h appens I have to send my children to stay at my mother until we can get th e housF dry from the water. My baby has taken pneumonia fro 1!1 the lfi'ouse being flooded in the 18st rains. I have called the Sewage· and Park Depa.rtments concerning the problem, . but I have.go t no results fro m the departments. The ditch needs to be dug de~per or something so that the water will not' be overun with water during a rain. If ~u can give me any kind of help to ::.top the the wat e r from flooding my house I would Appreciate your hepp •. I feel that you will help me with my problem. Sincerely yours, {l fl~A----'4 ~ v £ ~- ;;?Lf -91~ a_, / ~/ . .. -·'· -. ..· ·. . �