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I . ! July 3, 1967 I I ! I Mr. Willie Johnson, Chairman Constructive Youth Counci l of the Nor thwest Perry Homes Area 2339 Arno Court, N. H. Atlanta, Georgia Dear Mr. Johnson: Thank you very much for your l etter of June 28, 1967, regardi ng our conf erence of J une 20, 1967, out lining the r equests made by the cit i zens o f your area f or r e c reational and park fa c i liti e s . By copi es o f this letter , I am requesting the Directors of the Neighbo rhood Pl aylot Program and Operation Champ to submit to you the l ist o f all l ocations presentl y in existence. We ce rta i nly wi ll welcome the opportunity t o . a llow the community to assist i n the planning, developnent , and operation o f r e creational programs for youth and young adul ts i n your ne i ghborhood . As to t h e ut iliza tion o f neighborhood Youth Corps i n-school enroll ees a nd out -of - s chool enrollees , we currentl y have a request before E.O .A. for one hundred out-of- school young people . Fifty of these would be utilized in Operation Champ (the city-wide recreation program) and fifty , we hope utilized in the development of the Wilderness Camp at Lake .Allatoona . As of y et , we have not received any enrollees but we understand that they are being recruited from the respective E.O.A. Service Centers . I would assume that some will be coming from your neighborhood service center and there should be no problem to see that these individuals are properly assigned b a ck to the area from which they reside. By COP'J of this letter , I will make it known to Mi s s Vir gi nia Carmichael , the Director of Re creation, and also t h e Dire ct ors o f Operation Champ and the Ne ighbor h ood Playlot Program t h.it you are requesting the p laceme nt o f recreation l eader s at Pitt s , Finch, and Chattahoochee El ementary School s . (Cont ' d ) '" '?Ok I 11,-•y ~ ,- .~~n,.~, I~ '.7' ·· ~ ' ,. ,-,. ,, . . r )O llO �I· i Mr. Johnson Page Two July 3, 1967 The Aldermanic Parks Committee over the last several years has written the Atlanta Housing Authority requesting that recreation personnel be employed on a permanent basis by the Houstng ~'Authority to supervise recreation not only at Perry Homes but at all public housing projects. We have signed the contract for the second phase of Gun Club Park. 'i'his phase will be on the lower end of the property adjacent to Proctor Creek and the contractor is expected to commence work just any day. As discussed with you, we are still in a quandary over the availability of a pedestrian bridge across Proctor Creek so that the Park that will be developed can be immediately accessible to the residents of Perry Homes. We are waiting on a response from the Atlanta Hou5ing Authority as to who will pay for this bridge since our property line stops on our side of Proctor Creek and it's our understanding that the Housing Authority owns up to this line. We certainly appreciate the suggestion for location of additional playlots for your area. I am Xeroxing your letter and supplying it to Mr. Pete Williams, Right-Of- Way Agent , Land Agent's Office and ask that he search out each and every location you have suggested and , in the event he is unable to obtain permission for the use of any of these lots, to advise you accordingly. We would certainly like to extend the Operation Champ program to include other communities , but as you know this is a federally financed program which must terminate August 31 and we must be very caref ul not to overspend the allotted sum of money for this activity. If we should be able to save funds or have over-estimated the cost of certain activities, we would be the first to want to expand the program into other communities. Although the Master Plan for Gun Club Park includes a swimming pool , at this time I do not know at what date one could be installed. Rest assured that your area will be given every possible consideration in making up t he 1968 Capital Improvement Program , whi ch will amount to a little over $300,000. This rather limited amount of money must be spread over the entire City of Atlanta and include the construction of not only swimming pools but basic site work on some ten to fifteen parks purchased under the 1963 BomProgram, construction of recreation buildings, landscaping, etc . I em very pleased that your committee will be willing to meet xrr,o . ><1 r*" nPv 1 l l t ' 'i ! no �I I ' .J ' ... Mr. Johnson Page Three July 3, 1967 with the undersigned and other representatives of this Department in making your community a better place to live and I assure you that when we obtain leases on the playlots at the locations you have suggested, we will work vecy closely with your committee to see that the program, equipment, etc. is what you need and want. On behalf of Mayor Allen and other City Officials, let me again thank you for meeting with us on the 20th and I ~m Cordially, I Jack c. Delius General Manager of Parks and Recreation JCD:lg CC: Mr. Pete Williams, Land Agent's Office Mr. Tom Christenson,. Director, Operation Champ Mr. Eddie McLemore, Director, Neighborhood Playlot Program Mayor Ivan Allen, Jr. I/' . ---Mis s Virginia Carmichael Mr. John Cox, Atlanta Youth Council Mr. Bud Stone, E.o.A. Mr. J. H. Robertson Mr . Dan Sweat - .....---,----- . -IS}. -,,, -- ~, ,,. ... - --- . �