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Finch Alexander Barnes Rothschild & Paschal January 9, 1969 Hr. Charles Leftwich COPY 160~ Jonesboro Road S. £. Atlanta, Georgia, 30315 Re: Cyclorama Dear Mr. L ftwich: We request your consideration of our firm as designers for the proposed new Cyclorama. COPY In addition to large commer:::ial projects such as ·r..e oca.-Ccla Company Headquarters, the First Uational Bank, Phipps Plaza and the Georgia Power Company, we have ad considerable e peri~nce closely oriented to the problems of the Cyclorama sign. We have, for example, designed some tw~nty-five theat:r £ here an in othor cities. Such desi n presents tL proolems o: cro~d landling, lightin8, acoustics and dispL.ly 11 of w1icl1 are involved. At the recent Uew York \-iorld's fir our firt1 d~signeu th'-= General Cigar BuildinG •hicb called for crow han lin~ at_ display t~chniques of a hi h order. COPY As you probably know we have had wide ;..pe ie~c6: witn sport ' facilities here and in Cincinnati w1e e the han<llins of th plililic , l.ightin,e, si ht line and traffic are of pri.. in.;·ort· 1 c • Final.ly, it bas b en ow:, pleasure to ork wit the Atlanta Parks Department on the following projects: John 1 • "hite Bath Louse and Home Park Recr tion C ter. Our relationship with tr. · ·lius and bis d partJDent are, we believe. excellent and we would wclcOT.1e the o~tunity to continue our past associations. Thank you far your consid tion. We are availacle at your convenience to discuss ur fi:ra further. COPY Sincerely, J. H. Finch vb �