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-- ~· I Auo :, Ott ~~ ITY OF ATLANTA DEPARTMENT of PARKS Office of General Manager Atlanta, Georgia 30303 J~CK C. DELIUS Atlanta Parks Department 1085 Piedmont Ave. N.E. Atlanta., Georgia 30309 GENERAL MANAGER / FORESTRY DIVISION E:ntomol ogl 1t' 1 Report Date _A-=-pr_-1_l_l_3_ - ,___ ·l_9_6_?_ __ Dear Mr, Deliue: Today I went to the home of Mrs. Beerien Moore-3648 Kingsboro Bd. N.E. where I found the following: 1-Sapsuckers have made many holes in the trunks of loblolly pines in 4 or 5 trees in her front yard~ No evidence of insect attack exists, and there is no danger that the trees will die from the sapsuckers work. The trees are mature, but should live for years. 2-0ak trees in the yard were found to be free of any serious problem-one tree appears to have be en struck by lightening some years ago, but the area is being enclosed b:,, wound tissue, and should live for years. 3-It seems that some self styled "tree expert 11 recently told Mrs. Moore that she should have her pine trees removed because they are filled with bugs that could emerge and kill the trees in neighbors yards. The same person also told her that her o:ik s are in danager of falling and need to be removed. I assured her that neit her is a likely thing. This points out the great need we have in Atlanta to have a tree ordinance that would provide supervision of these so called 11 tree experts". and preverit them from preying upon the uninformed public. We have had several reports about unfounded insect and disease problems given to property owners by the organization that contacted Y.irs. Moore as well as other groups. ~ Distribution: FORM 34. 2 2 d~~ &4ruUU- Signed W. D. Buchanan, Entomologist �