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(COPY ) ATLANTA BONSAI SOCIETY Director of Plant I mportations United States Dep~rtment of Agriculture Beltsville , Ma ryland Dear s i r , The Atlanta Bonsai Society ha s tal ked to Dr.George Avery of the Brooklyn Botanic Garden and he has informed us that we can get permission to import a 1OO-yea r old Pinus penta phylla from Kyuzo Mura ta of Kyulcaen Bonsai Garden , Bonsai - cha, Omiya Sai tamo, J apan . Because of the great age and high cost of this bonsaitree we would like to have it ship ped direct to Atlanta , Georgia, in its container with soil not removed, via Air Express. We feel that you will grant such a permi t in view of the fact that this tree will be pla ced in the newly constructed " Dr.A.Leslie Ste phens ,Jr. Memorial Bonsai Garden"at Piedmont Park and tende d by competent members of the Atlanta Bonsai Society. Mr .Berend Oortman , Chief Hortic ulturist for the City of Atlanta wi ll be directly responsible for the health of the tree as per the post-entry requirements . The City of Atlanta is aware and coo perating in this project. We would like to shi p this tree from Ja pan during the month of May , so your soonest coo peration will be greatly appreciated . Thanking you in advance , Your sincere , (Signed) MrsoCharles Busch Secretary to the Chairman of Dr.A.Le s lie Stephens ,Jr. Memorial Bonsai Garden Committee Copies sent to: Senior Senator Richard B.Russell Mrs.Grace P. Wilson , American Horticulture Society �