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i uif"_ - - -- ---- ------ - Li1~..,'!~ ,IL.__ _j ~ '1::1!.J J. C. BARRETT CONSTRUCTION CO., INC. 3455 SEXTON WOODS DRIVE CHAMBLEE, GEORGIA 30005 TELEPHONE: 451-5416 ( March 29, 1967 Mr. Jack C. Delius, General Manager of ·Parks and Recreation Department of Parks City of Atlanta Atlanta, Georgia Re: Grnnt Park Concessions Building Dear Mr. Delius: I think that we should establish July 1, 1967 as a target date for the completion of the Grant Park Concessions Building. I sincerely believe that this could be improved a great deal if we can obtain immediate approvals or disapprovals for the changes now in question. At this time, we are waiting for approval of change orders to revise sewer work, concrete walks, curbs, paving, waterproofing, concession stand, electrical and plumbing work. For your convenience, I am enclosing a carbon copy of a letter of this date to Tucker and Howell requesting immediate decisions f or these changes. Any influence that you may exert to expedite these changes will be appreciated . We also appreciate your at titude on all previous matters, and I must apologize for not havine gi ven you an aat:LmnL:ou comp lotion dn to in my lotl:or of Mm:cl, 20, 1.9(>7. We trust that this will be of service to you. Sincerely yours, J;:~·!e~ JCB:mb Enclosure (1) �