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Fe b rua ry 3, 1969 ·Mr . Frank Crowther Public Rel a tions Directo r City o f Macon City Hall Ma con , Geor g i a 31201 Dear Mr. Cr o ~her: Thank you for your l etter o f J a nuary 30, 1969 to Mayo r Ivan Allen , J r. concerning the School Patrol visit to Atlanta on Saturday , May 24 , 1969 . We are particularly pleased that you are includ i ng the Cyclorama and t he Zoo in your field trip . Mayor Allen has personally asked the undersigned to extend every consideratio n to your group . Accordingly , I have assigned Mr . Ron Ran som, Recreation Su ervisor, to accompany you through Gr ant Park . Mr . Ransom my be reached at Area Code 404/522- 4463 , extension 314 . His mailing address is City Hall Annex, 260 Central Avenue , S. w. , Atlanta , Georgia 30303. Th ere is no admi sion ch rge to the Grant Park zoo. H wever, a p r iv te concession ire does operate an authentic Austrian carousel and there is a miniature zoo train going through the Children ' s zoo . Th concessionaire , Mrs . Ruby Farmer, MA 2-3212 , is in a position to grant group rates . The Aldermanic Parks Corranittee h s authorized the enclosed group rat e permit to the Cyclorama . This in effect grants half prices to children and adults . If you ould prefer not to have · ch student pay t the time of admission to the Cyclorama , we ould be happy to bill you for the entire group subsequent to the visit . Just let me know your \ ·ishes in this m tter ,. Finally , I m advising the Superintendent of Police, Mr . Fred w. Beerm n , of your c r van of approximately fourteen school buses . Su rintend nt B rm n will b ~n touch wit h you if ther r any rules or regul tion concerping such carav n. �Mr o Frank Cr owther - 2 - February 3 , 1969 Again , it it5 with pleasure that we anticipate your visit , and I am Cordially, Jack c. Delius General Manager of Parks and Recreation Enclosure JCD:j w cc: Honorable Ivan Allen , Jr . ~ Mr. Pierce Whitley , Asst o Gen . Mgr. of Park s Mr. Stan Martin, Asst . Gen. Mgr. of Parks Mr. Paul Dease , Foreman, Grant Park Cycl orama Lecturers Gr a nt Park Concessiona ire Mr. Ro n Ransom, Recre ation Supervi sor Mr. Fred ".•7. Beerman, s upt . o f Po l ice �