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-· I --- ---.- .- ~- - -- ~ Bruce A. 1\\cNaughton 230 Parlc Avenue New Yorlc, New Yorlc 10017 February 28, 1967 Mr. Wilbur Kurtz The Coca-Cola Company P.O. Drawer 1734 _Atla~ta, Ga. 30301 Dear Wilbur_; Thank you so much for taking time to see us last Friday . O:f course I'm sorry to learn of your father's passing but he certainly lived a rich, :full productive life. The Cyclorama was all you said it was and more. It is really impressive. As a Imnn Yankee from Wisconsin you can imagine the joy at seeing Old Abe who my great grand-daddy told me about. Thanks to men like you and your 1:8.d scmeday soon I' 11 be able to show my children· a living part of their family's ·and country's history. .• Towards the new home for the Cyclorama, would yo·u ·please see that the right :folks get the enclosed small contribution on behalf of the great .great grandchildren of Andrew Jackson McNaughton, 8th Wisconsin Regiment, ·Anny o:f t he Cumberland. t t If I can be of any service to you, please do not ,hesitate to call on me. Regar ds a s ever, BAM.cN/rs encl. -· -- - - -

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