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March 2, 1967 Mro . Charles E. Clark 684 Hillpine Drive , N. E. Atlanta , Georgi a Der Mr . Clark: Thank you very much for your letter of February 23 , 1967 ddr essed to M yor Ivan Allen , Jr . His honor has forwarded your correspondence on to me for reply . I have inspected which you refer to ret in the ar the City Perks in its Bond Fund the strip of wooas ·on Monroe Drive to nd think the best thing to do uld be in its natur 1 condition . Unfoz;-tun tel y , pert nt does not have ny money rem ining for the purch se of additional p rk 1 nd . Your suggestion that Mr . Wilbur Kurtz , Sr . be memorialized in som eppropri te m nner is well t ken - and I person lly feel very strongly th t w must ck.nowledge 11th t this fin g ntlemen did for Atl nt. Th nking you gin for your 1 tt r , I am COrdi lly, Jack c . ner P rk G JCD:bjw cc: Hon. Iv n All n, Jr .• Hon. Rioh rd c. Fr ~ n of tion �