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NEW THOMASVILLE CIVIC LEAGUE, INC. 1994 Akron Drive, S.E. Atlanta, Georgia 30315 Phone 627-7720 Mayer Ivan Allen Jr, City Hall At:13nta Geer~ia, 30303 De.ar J.\ayer; This letter is sent t you with all the c ncern •f the Germnunity • f Th•l11il sville. We have tried t ee~· ~rr•und doin~ this but •ur efferts were in vai~ s new we must turn t ee yeu. We dislike doin~ this, Qnd wish that we ceuld handle the matter ef the Park that is t be c nstructed in ur c mmunity thr~u~h ur alderman "but we have tried this f er three years and there have been n• defin.ite s.itiElfactiE>n !11ilde. .. · We wish t• say th.it this park have been prep sed in this cermnunity add there have been same werk dcine • n it h st year. Tais is f.ir frem 0empletein~ this ~rk which is needed se very b;dly in this e mmunity. There is absolutely nee recreatien facilities in tnis cemmunity at all, there is n• place fer the children to pl..ly se · the • nly thin~ that they ean de is t • take t• the . streets playin~ ball and d•d~ing ears. This alse is the r• ts •f mischief aid ether acts. Thia Park is being censtructed in staies each· year, am we think that it is the enly ene in th~ city that have been dene in this l11ilnner~ Cert.iinly we don't think that is even in the nei~hborheed e f b in~ ! ~Hd pl.an. By the time that this park is fini ... ehed the children will h.ve bee met•• •ld t• enjey it, add the faci~ities tat has been errected durin~ the first stage · will have eerrsded and fell th~ gr und by the time that the hst stage is finished. There haven't been .ny w rk d•ne this year and the geed seassen fer this k:tnd •f w.rk is definately passing by, Yet there is supp se tH be meney appreperated f~r wrk t • be dene. · Other p;irke have ·been started and cempleted and yet still enj yed since the w.rk be gain en this park. The Geverner can even g• eut and accuire meney t• build ether parks -ind yet there are parks that stand with enly A beginnin~ ·made en them and is needed se bad yet they stand incemplete. We are askini th. t y u l• k int• this matter and try tH get semething geing tew.rd cempletein~ the ·i:srk in Themasville se th.it the children will have seme place t• u:,e beside the streeto There is certainly n• reasen that A park sh u1d be censtructed in this manner. The city •ff'icials is capable •f getting the things dene if' it :ts urgent er if they need it, and we must say that this park is needed, · but will it ever be cempleted. M•ney ka• been spent fer cleaning, ~ading and ~assin~ A p•rti•n •f the parks area, seen it will be meney wasted because the weeds and bushes ·will. have taken ever all tat have been dene, then it will cest meney which ceuld be used fer further eempleting the rk be •ed fer the Hme thine. Please leek inte this ~tter and lp tbia cemmunity, it is ur~ently needed 0 Tkanking yeu in advance fer yeur understandin~ and eHperatien. · t•• t•• T•ur• Very Truely Mr. E.B. Mealey vro /JPr s1d �