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Finch Alexander Barnes Rothschild & Paschal January 9, 1969 Hr. G. Everett Millican 500 Bi hop Street N.V. At lanta, Georgia, 30318 COPY Rt Cyclorama Dear Hr. Millican: We request your consider ti011 of our firll as designers f ,:\r the propoa d new Cycler • In addition to large co rcial projects such s th Coe.a-Cola Company Headquarters, 'the First National Bank, Phipps Plaza nd the Georgia Power Company, we have had considerable experience clos ly orient d to the proble of the Cycl.orama. design. COPY We have, for example, design d aome twenty-five theatres h re and in other cities. Such deign presents the probl s of crowd hand• ling, lighting, acoustics and di play all of which are involved. At the recent Nev York Wm'ld's Fai~ our firm design d the General Cigal' Building which called for crowd handling and display tech- niques of a bi h order. you probably know we have had wid experience with aports' facUJ:d.ea here and in Cincinnati where the handling of th public• lishting, si&bt ll and traffic are of prime i rtanc. COPY Finally, it hae been our pleasur to work with the Atlant Parks I>e1nair-'tll1en:t on the following proj eta, John A. lihi 'te th Rous and Pule lecre tion Centel". Our relation hip with Mr . Delius and hie department u-e, we believe, excell nt and w uld welc tbe opportunity to continue CXIZ' put uoc.f.atlons. Thank you far your eonaideration. Ve are available at your conYenlence to discu• OU1' fira further. S.lDcarely, COPY J. H. Finch vb �