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df.tlanta .ionJai Societg Atlanta, Georgia 14 Apr il , 196 7 The Honorable I van All en, ~ay or of At l an ta Atlan ta, Georgia Dear ~ay or Allen, Enclo sed ple ase find co py of the second l e tter to the Di r e ctor of ~l a nt I mportation, Beltsvi l le, Ma r y l and , wh ich La rry Willi a ms asked me to send you. Your s inc e re, Mrs.Cha rl es Bu s ch, Se cretary to Chairman of Committee f or Dr. A.Leslie Ste phen s ,Jr. Me morial Bonsai C~rden c/o Gre e nwood 21 60 Ste wa rt Ave., S . ~ . Atla nta , Ge or gi a 30 315 ? �