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$f&7m~~Jl/~~/l ~~r W. A. SUTTON V I CE P RESIDENT AGRICU LT URAL DEPARTMENT 588-2279 April 211 1967 Mr. R. E. Landers, Corrq:,troller City of Atlanta 501 City Hall Atlanta, Georgia 30303 Dear Mro Landers: Leigh Anne lives in metropolitan Atlanta and she is the National Easter Seal Poster Childo You've been seeing publicity about her., but most important of all - she represents the hundreds of children in the Atlanta area who have severe handicaps, caused by disease or accident. We do not see these youngsters very often as they spend most of their lives indoors, watching the world go by eoo not playing with neighborhood children because they are confined to wheelchairs ••• not going to school and learning all the wonders of life around them. Like thousands of other Georgians who have been sidetracked from the rest of the world because of crippling, many of these little ones depend on Easter Seal services - loans of wheelchairs; physical, occupational, and speech therapy at the .A tlanta :. ;a.ster Seal Rehabilitation Center to help them learn to walk., ~ress, feed themselves, and to talko Some of them attend the Center's recreational and pre-school program to prepare them for future public school enro llnento ~he Sa.st.er Seal Society gives the services, but -we must supply the moneyl Your $100 gift supplies a wheelchair; $50 will provide a week of therapy; $25, a week at summar camp; and $10, a pair of crutcheso Your donations give all the Leigh Armes an opportunity to live a little closer to the rest of the worlno The work at the Atlanta Center has expanded, due in part to your previous contribution of$ 5oOOo Put your check in the enclosed envelope, and mail it today, won't you? Sincerely, >lfi~-~-yt_,; w. WAS/jw enclosures A. Sutton, Chairman M:?tropolita.n Atlanta Easter Seal Campaign FOR RESEARCH, DEVELOPMENT, AND I NTERRELATIONSHIP WIT H BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY �