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April 18, 1967 Mr . Carl T. Sutherland. Director Per onnel Depart City of Atlanta Atlanta , Geor gia nt 30303 Dear Mr , Sutherl nd: On Wednesday, April 12, I was sked to meet with Mr . Allison of BOA along ith Mr . Tucker of the Dep rtnent of Housing and Urb n Development and ever 1 repre entativ of th Dep rtiuent of Labor . Th purpoee of the eting w . to discuss the o~called Nelson Amendment which app r ntly enables municipalities and other non• profit organizations to employ the chronically under employed and unemployed in public work projects . I a ked Mr . d Farro of your department to b pr s nt in that I b d feeling that the progr would b appplic ble not only to the Dep rt nt of Parks but to ny otb r diviaions of City gov rnment . lre dy advi ed you, th progr ny f •tures of the N ighborhood Youth Corp , to b th t the rat of pay will b $1 . 40 appar ntly no age limit tion, t ir program it i k11lt in th une loyed and providing th with for pr tio •od p nt plo nt ith th re ag· nciea. etc . It appe r that the City of At nta to at le••t i ea px th t nett ~ ould be n° 1- n nt positio fte~ • on y ar period oft tho recruited under thie progr ld be the r contractor o( ;;lac:1n • 6400 individ anomic Opportunity Atl nt, Inc . d h th rath r Ugg ting r spon ib111ty 18 in vai-1ou joba. �• Mr . C rl T. Sutherl nd P ge two If I may be of any service to you do not hesitate to advise and I remain Cordially, Jack C. D liu General Manag r of Parks and R ere tion J.CD:bjw cc: Mr . R. E. Landers / Mr . Dan E. Sweat, Jr . Mr . Bd Farrow Mr . William W. Alli on, EOA �