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URBAN AMER ICA INC . 17 17 Massachusetts Ave. N.W . Wa shi ngton, D. C. 20036 (202 ) 265-2224 William L. Slayton Exec utive Vice President September 12, 1967 To the Officers, Trustees, and friends of Urban America: Last winter, Stephen Currier proposed that leaders from the major segments of society that make up our cities be brought together to press for the cities' needs. On Thursday, August 24, more than 1,200 such leaders met in an unprecedented Emergency Convocation to further this objective in the name of the Urban Coalition. The day, by coincidence, was the 3 7th anniversary of Stephen Currier's birth. I am enclosing, with the pride and satisfaction he would have shared, the report of that Convocation, including the statement of goals it adopted. I believe that it constitutes a truly significant first step toward forming the kind of national consensus required for the solution of our critical urban problems. The accompanying selection of clippings indicates that there is wide agreement on this point. The Urban Coalition is now an independent force, and Urban America has helped make it so. We will continue to work in whatever appropriate ways we can to make its goals a reality . Sincerely , �