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lHIOMIIE MIT§§ITON lBOAlR.D SOUTHERN 161 SPR IN G BAPTIST CONVENTION ST .. N .W .. ATLANTA . GEORGIA 30303 OFFICE OF THE EXECUTIVE SECRETARY-TREASURER <! (r September 8, 1967 The Honorable Ivan Allen, Jr., Mayor The City of Atlanta Atlanta, Georgia Dear Mayor Allen: I was pleased to be invited to the Emergency Convocation: The Urban Coalition which met in Washington on August 24. This was a stimulating meeting, and I congratulate you and the other organizers on your plans and the accomplishments of the day. The agency which I serve is involved in metropolitan life in many ways. Through our Department of Metropolitan Missions, our Department of Christian Social Ministries, and our departments which work with minority peoples, both Negroes and others, we are constantly facing the needs of persons in the cities. This conference was of meaning to us, and I am sharing its findings with our related staff members. If I or any of my colleagues can ever be of help to you and the City of Atlanta please feel free to call upon us. As a citizen of this dynamic city let me express my appreciation to you for the courageous and wise leadership which you are providing. We are proud of Atlanta and we feel that your responsible leadership is a credit to this growing capital of the Southeast. Sincerely yours, Arthur B. Rutledge ABR:rm �