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I I t t .I I /NAACP Here Asl{s I \ i- ' THE ATI,ANTA CONSTITUTION, Saturday, April 1, 1967 ., * Housing Fulld Halt f By ALEX COFFIN The local unit of the National Association for the Advancei ment of Colored People asked the federal government Friday i to cut off funds for Atlanta housing and urban renewal projects Iuntil · "discriminatory practices" are ceased. ., . . · .. 1 The_ NAACP also ~alled o ·;;T~at might inlthe city to a~opt an open oc- fluence his-position;" .the mayor said_. ·.· . .· . - - ao- • • - !cupancy" ordinance. th 1 T~e NA~CP charged ?.t. H Allen -said that the NAAOP by , racial _strife beca~se of dis- contacting HUD' "before becom1 prop_ ortJonat~ locatJ?n ,,of · th ese ing conversant with all loca: p~bhc housm~ ':'ruts erupts tions" being investigated might this sull]~er, It .WIii be _because "jeopardize additional low- inof the 1mperv1ous attitude of come units here. I hope they' (the NAACP) are not going to Mayor Ivan Allen Jr. The association said that ·it obstruct the city's 1efforts," he Iasked Allen for a conference on said. · ' '

March 21 and r.asn't had a

Allen admitted the public housreply. · ing began on a segregated basis / . Allen produced a carbon copy and that· no ·units are in the ' of a letter, dated March <23, in northeast area, but added that 1answer to the NAACP request, "major strides" are being made which was sent. by Dr. A. M. and that some 80 acres throughDavis , president of the local out the city ·are potential sites NAACP branch. . for low-income . housing. Allen's letter said he would be glad to meet with Davis, but ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~===-- - :suggested · the NAACP leader ' should first . get additional information on the local public housing plans. " The invitation still stands," Allen said Friday. · Davis said Friday afternoon he has not gotten the letter. The NAACP said that 83 per , cent of Atlanta's public housing is on the west side of the city and none is in the northeast. "This example of racial segregation is indeed appalling," the association said. Allen did not attend two NAACP-sponsored housing conferences, to which he was invited, the charges said.' • The NAACP asked Dr. Robert Weaver, secretary of the Department of Housing and Urban· Development, to cut off funds to Atlanta for public housing, urban renewal and the new Model Cities Program until policies ."to entrench and extend segregation" are ended. The · NAACP charged that a project under consideration ·in the Skipper'Drive-Harwell RoadBankhead Avenue NW are a would "further sa tuarte the alniady saturated area ." Davis lives at 592 Waterford Drive NW, which connects with 9 I ~Skip;;;~~\i;

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