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December 7, 1967 Mr. W . M . Alexander Adair Realty and Loan Company 56 Peachtree Street Atlanta, Georgia 30301 Dear Bill: I certainly appreciate your letter of December 6th regarding the SWAP meeting last Thursday. I should like to thank you for your efforts to be completely fair in this situation. With best wishes for the Holiday Season, I am Sincerely yours, Ivan Allen, Jr . Mayor IAJr/bat �AJJdIR Yledr,@) r~=~ JACK A DAIR SALES · LEASES • MORTGAGE LOANS i ,d)d;l PRESIDE NT 56 PEACHTREE Sr. · - • INSURANCE - Ai*-~A . GEORGIA 30301 -, I December 6, 196? /\.,\\ The Honorable Ivan Allen, Jr. Mayor City of Atlanta City Hall Atlanta, Georgia Dear Mayor Allen: ~ Q~ . 1~; ~ ~ ~ ~ I would like to take this opportunity toe ess my ap ciation the very fine talk you gave at the SWAP Meeting last Thursd • I felt your remarks were very appropriate and were exactly what the people in that area needed to hear. I am a lifelong resident of West End and Cascade Heights, and I mentioned to Jack Adair recently of my concern for that area. I believe he mentioned this to you. My concern is not only for Cascade and West End but for the fact that the people moving out of that area are moving out of the city of Atlanta, and in a lot of cases out of Fulton County, thinking that by doing this they will leave the integration problem behind them. I have attended most of the SWAP Meetings and got involved in a racial problem in our own church, Audubon Forest Methodist. From my experience in these two areas, I had an opportunity to discuss this overall problem with a great number of people in our neighborhood. As I mentioned to Jack, I intended to get in touch with you to discuss the feelings of the people in the area, but unfortunately _I never got around to it. Apparently, from the remarks you made you are very aware of the feelings of this area. It concerns me that so many of the people blame the City Administration for the problems of Cascade Heights, not only your administration, but also Bill Hartsfield's. My experiences in this problem go back to the time when several of my friends were forced to move from the Mozley Park area. During the recent discussions, I have tried to convince the people that I have talked to that this has been a natural movement of the negros from the West Side on into the Southwest section, rather than a deliberate plan of the City Administration. It is true that it is much more difficult for a colored family to obtain a home loan in other parts of Atlanta, and, in my opinion, this is part of �The Honorable Ivan Allen, Jr. iDecember 6, 1967 Page 2 the overall problem we are facing, rather than a deliberate attempt on the part of the City Administration to establish the Southwest section as the colored part of town. I think it is incumbent upon us who live in the Cascade area to publicize and sell the rest of the city on the fine residential area that we have, in spite of the integration. If we can hold out long enough for people's prejudice to be worn down and their thinking changed on this matter, I believe we will have helped to establish an integrated city, rather than an all negro city as the trend certainly now seems to be. Being a native Atlantan, I have grown up with the prejudice against living in an integrated neighborhood. IDuring the past year, after meeting the negros moving into Cascade Heights, my thinking has changed. This has also been true of a number of my friends. There also have been people moving into the area without this prejudice and others wanting to live in an integrated neighborhood. I believe these factors coupled with the, so far, successful integration of Southwest High School can go a long way toward maintaining a successfully integrated city. We will need help from the churches, business community, school administration, and city politicians. Any attention and help you can give us in this area will be greatly appreciated. If I can be of any help to you in this regard, please do not hesitate to call me. Very truly yours, &~a143.215.248.55 W. M. Alexander WMA:bb cc: Mr. Jack Adair �i' ~

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Mr s . Xernona Clayton, secr etary of SW AP, sugges ted that HUD (Hous ing · and Urban Development) be contact ed lo let them know that the gr oup dis approves of such concentration of low- income units in this area. The gr oup gener aJ ly expres sed the feeling that they do not mind having low to mode r ateincome hou s ing in the area, bul that they do feel th at other areas of the city should share the housing. Mrs. Cl ayton also said that SW AP mus t do some ground . Zo~ i g oa r l o Hear roposa ls (See e rlito r i a l on Pa g e 4) Th e members of Southwest Atl a nt a ns for Pro gress (SWAP ) were u rged at t he i r me e t in g l ast Thursd a y ni g ht , Oct. 12 , t o oppo se th e propos a l of the At l anta-Fult on County Pl an ning Bo a rd, ma de the d ay b efore , to pl a c e ap prox i ma t e ly 1,200 "lo w t o mo de r ate - inc o m e" h o u s ing unit s in th e ar e a bet ween Bould er P a rk a nd C as c a d e He ig ht s . The West End Bus iness tAen's Association, s i m il a r l y, has passe d a r esolution which s ays " we r equest and strongly r ecommend that no fu r ther public hous ing be pl aced in Southwest Atlanta until other sections of our City have taken the ir pror ata share of public hous ing units." Th e Ass ociat ion resolution further s tates that " we believe there is land available which can be acquired for public housing in all _portions of the City of Atlant a. • •we fc: el lhatSoulhwc,s t Atl ant a !Jas now r eached a -;alurati on point in re~arrJ to public hou s in ~. " Rev. J ames Cos ten, co chairm an of SW AP, a bi- r ac ial group tryln~ to s tabilize the interr ated W0,;t Manor r;cctlon of Ca:-;cade II eicl1ts, opened the meeting in the Parrish House of , the Church of the Incarn ation, EpiscopaJ, on Cascade Road, a nd then tu rned it ove r to Rober t Haver, hi s co-chair man, who br ought before the gr oup the decis ion of the Planning Board. The Board app r oved four pr ojects containing 1,436 low and mode r ate- income housing units. 1, 256 of which would di rectly affect the Southwes t area . The three actions affecting the South west ar ea are: 1) Approval oi GSO "turnkey" units on the nor lh s ide of Sewell Hoad, just wes t of the Atlant a Coas t Linc tr ac ·s. The US Depar tmrnl of Hous ing and Urban Development has tentative ly approved private devclop0rs to bu ild tile unit s, then turn them ove r lo the Atl anta Hous ing Authority for public work before the Alder manic Zoning Com mittee meets and th at th ey must also follow un their appeal to the comm ittee so that the Comm ittee does not deny perm iss ion for the location of the hou s ing units at the r egular meeting, and then turn around and approve them in a meeting generally not known about, as they did with 500 units al ready approved in the Fai rburn-S ewell ar ea. Mrs. Mary F r ances Peters introduce d the ladies who participated in the panel discuss ion, " A Woman's Point of View," th e scheduled progr am, The ladie s wer e Mis s Susan Ross, a s tudent of Southwes t High School who has attended segregated, long- time integr ated, and newly- integr ated high sch ools. · Mrs. H.Y, Hutcheson, who is associated with Audubon F ore s t Methodist Chu r ch and is also the mother of six children, was the second par ticipant. And Mrs . Lee Shelton, wife of Dr. Lee Shell.on and the mother of fou r , was the third membe r of the panel wh o fill ed in fo r 1Irs. William Alexander who was unabl e to attend. The ladies talke d br iefl y on the progr es s and problems of integr ation fro m their own points of view, The fl oor was then opened to discussion. The open for um, which lasted appr oximately an hour and a half, produce d questions and answe r s on the school integr at ion problems, the fears that both white and Kegro mother s might have, and what their (Cont. o n P a ge 5) ': * ... * .: C ons i d e rat i on of over 1 ,2 00 l o w-cost h o u s i ng un i t s for So ut h west Atl a nt:1. ha s b ee n po s tpon e d u ntil Nov . 9 by th e Al de r m an i c Zon i n g C o m m it tee , accor di ng t o Tom Shuttl ew o r th of th e C i t y P l anning Dcp:ntmcnt. �. THE WEEKLY STAR S A ]E ,\JI/ The following individu a ls or groups of individu als are op posed to any more "low rent," " public," " t urnkey," or wh a t have -y ou . hou s in g in t h e West, South we st a nd Southeast sec tions of the City of Atlant a . The Board of Directors of the West End B u s in ess Men ' s As sociation ; the Bo ul der Park Civic Assoc i at i on ; th e Citi zens Advisory Com mitt ee o f West End Urba n Re n ewal~.) severa l members of Southwest Atlan t a ns for Progress (S W AP ) , in cluding the t w o co - chairmen, Hev . James Co s t e n and Bob Haver ; Re v. Hugh B rooks, pastor of wes t En d Baptist Church; . Ed ga r Schukraft, the spea r head be hin d t he We st, E nd Urban Rene w a l Proj e ct; Sta te Rep . Fred Wi nk l e s o f Sout hwest At l a nt a ; a nd Tom Ox nard, editor o f th i s n e wspap er . T here a r e probably mo r e in d iv id u a l s a nd g roups a lso op pos e d , b ut, fr a nkly, we didn ' t 0 <i a 0 have the time to get everyone ' s opinion. The gene r al opinion is th a t the a bove - named sections of Atlanta have a l ready had the ir p r orata sha r e of this type of housing . It is time, NOW, for the Northside and other sections of Metropolitan Atlan ta , to get involved in the socia l problems of o ur d a y . In the words of the re so lu tion of the ·West End Business Men ' s Associat i on : " We re quest and strongly recommend that no further public hou s ing be pl a c ed in Southwes t Atl ant a until other s e ctions of our City have take n th e ir pror a ta sh a r e of publ ic housin g un itso" Show up a t city hall tod ay (Thursd ay) a t 2 p . m. in th e Alderm a nic C h ambe rs to h e ar y our s e ction of the city be in g ' di s cussed . , Need we say more? I I �September lZ, 1967 M rs. John C. Hoke 1682 Centra Villa Drive, S . W . Atlanta, Georgia 30311 Dear Mrs . Hoke: Thi will acknowledge receipt of your letter of September 6th. Obviou ly I do not agree with the views outlined in your letter. Sincerely yours, Ivan Allen, Jr. Mayor IAJr/br �========== = =~ :-----=--- - -- ---- Atlanta Ga, Sep. 6 1967. Hon. Mayor Ivan Allen Mayor City of Atla nta Atlanta Georgia. Dear Mayor Allen, In regard to an editorial appearing in the atl a nta journa l September 6th, headed At lant a a nd h ousing ., We the residents of the Cas cad e se well ro a d s ection have d i scussed t h is same s u bject very ma ny times. We can't understand wh y you and y our aldermanic board have seen fit to push the bulk of negroes to this section. The work going on in We s t End is for sure,for t he ne g roes, apa r tments have been built by the hundre d s for negroes, they have taken_,. the white people' s homes a-- wa y f r om them that to ok years to beautif y a nd build. We underst a nd that the real esta te people on the north sid e h a v e bee n ins truc ted nmt to sell to· negroes, also banks a re reluc t ant to lend negroes money to buy on the North sid~. There are no neg ro projects g ping on in the north side o f the city·, a·lso no ne g roes live in Buckhead, Pe achtree road o r any of t he nice sections of t he north side. This i nflux to Casca de, We s t End Se well section ha s been influenced by city g overme n t. Appa re n,:t l y you d o not ua n t t h e m on y our s ide o f town or f or neig h b ors , resident s in the Sou t h ~e st are moving eve ry d ay . The purpose of i n te g r a ti on was t o h a ve ne g roes move in a ll sections of the city, but t h e y a re being encoura g ed t o settle in one s ec t ion t h us caus i n g no integ r a tion a t a ll, ve r y s o on i t wi l lb e all ne g ro. I am s ure with Hank Aarons mon e y h e cou l d aff ord a h ome i n y our se ction , We hav e h ad t o pu t u p wi t h t h e riff r _ff f r om Wa shing t on s t r e e t a nd Cap i t o l a ve etc, s ince t he cha n g e in tha t se ct i on now wi th Mart i n Lut her ' s c hurc h t aki ng ov er Capitol homes will b e more a nd more negroes . Would lik e f o r y om to rea d t h i s ed i t o r i a l i f y ou h a ve n' t a l ready . We are v ery mu c h dis t u r b ed a s I am s u r e y ou would b e, l f y ou we r e a midd l e clas s person trying t o live i n a de c e n t n e i 5 hb o rhood. It i s e mb arra s s i n g to h a ve curiousity s ee k ers ride in t h is section to se e the for s a le s igms a~t!ier1( i s one in prac tica lly eve ry y a r d in s ome sections of fi f ty t h mus ana~ cfmes and many h i g h priced home s . Hopin g to have your view on thi s v,hich would ma k e it clearer to mys elf a nd n eighb ors what will t a ke pla ce. Sincere l y Mrs . John C. Hoke s.w. 1 682 Ce n t r a Villa Drive Ajla n ta �May 26, 1967 Mr. Fred L . Shoenberger 420 Lynhurst Drive , S . W. Atlanta, Georgia 30311 t Dear Mr. Shoenberger : which they are working. I have publically on many occasions advocated a National fair hou ing Act, nd I am glad to reiterate that position. Every effort is being m de to maintain and improv schools and public ervice in ide the corporate limits of Atlanta. I am delighted to comm nd the SWAP group for what th y are doing and m every £fort to se that they secure full cooper tion fr.o m th Atlanta city government nd the many ci vie organization hich can be of help. From time to time. I will ttempt to keep the org ization informed of the m ny efforts that ar being made by the city and f urth r extend our cooper tion. Sincerely, Ivan Allen, Jr. IAJr:am �MaY 20, 1967 Honorable Ivan Allen, Jr., Mayor City of Atlanta City Hall Atlanta, Ga. Dear Mr. Mayor: I am a resident of Soutlnvest Atlanta, and an active participant in Southwest Atla.ntans for Progress ("SWAP"). Yesterday I met with a group including the Community Relations Council. I was asked by one member, "What can we do to help. 11 As I am confident that they reflect your desire to foster activities which can validate and improve Atlanta as a place to live, I am writing to suggest a possible way in which you could help us do our part of this job. \ A positive letter of support for the direction we are tald.ng in attempting to stabilize our cunnnunity as a thorough]¥ integrated one would be quite encouraging, especially if permission were granted to publish the letter through Atlanta news media. I have no intention of attempting to direct such a letter . should you write one, but offer the following i deas as possible s eeds for your own t hinki ng . 1. Support of the idea of a stabilize d community a s a s tarti ng p oint for a s t abilized (and integrated) Atlanta . 2. Open housing agreements or l egislation . 3. The maintainance, and even enhancement, of school quality and of public services in this area o 4. A statement of your continued interest in and observation of what is going on here . The preceding are by no means exhaustive. Mr. Shelton, Mrs. Bullard, or others of your Council may be offered as persons who have talked with some of us on the spot and would perhpas have politically appropriate suggestions to make. Very t~4',_. ~§' ~,I?~ Fred L. ~hoenberger 420 Lynhurst Dr., ~.w. Atlanta, Ga. 30311 �SN ' " May 22, 19 67 Does the law offer John Q. Citizen any protection whatsoever from unscrupulous real estate operators? Will Atlanta become another Washington and, if so, who will pay the taxes? A case in point is the Cascade Heights area. Someone, for reasons known only to himself, is approached by or gets in touch with an operator who sells real estate primarily to Negroes. A sale is made and the rumors start, some of them probably planted. People panic and then other operators zero in on the area and start a flood of letters (see attached), phone calls and knocks on the door. It is a frightening thing to see the reaction of the people. Carloads of Negroes cruise the area. One more neighbo ~hood has received the "kiss of death." When the word get:s out, it is impossible to sell except to Negroes. Check the Red Bud Lane section and see for yourself. My neighborhood, a different one from that above, has just received the kiss that can bring disaster. We are trying desperately to hold it together. In our ~jsa, 1 an all-white neighborhood, the ~ ale was made at midnight, literally, two weeks ago last Saturday. Most of us move into a particular area because we like the neighborhood, we know the people, or as a matter of economics. Some are retired people with limited incomes; some are middle-aged who, after rearing their children, were looking forward to a more leisurely life; many are young couples who have just purchased their first home. In the latter case, particularly, it has taken all they can rake and scrape to make the down payment. Now, with their homes deflated, what are they oing to do fo r money in order to make a fresh start somewhere else? We, too, should have a choice in selecting our neighbors. Why do we not have speculative housing for Ne g ro e s in st ea d o f destroying established are a s -- or i s th e r e mo re p ro fi t i n bl o c~bustin g ? I am a r e a l per s on, but I f ea r ha ras sm e n t if y name gets ou t. I can b e reac h e d th r ough Mr. To a Ox n ar d at The We ekly St ar if an y o ne desire s verifi c a t i o n o f the a b ove . Enclo s ure Copy to: Mayor Ivan Allen, Jr. / / Eugene Patt e r s on , Editor , Th e Atlanta Constitution Frank Sisson, Ga. Real Estate Com ission ~o• nyn~Pd ~di~nP ~ho Uoo~lw ~~aP �.. . 1 PH O NE 7 6 6- 56S6 REALTY 8c INSURANCE. INC. SUITE 711 KING BUILDING 131 1 C LEVELAND AVE . E AST POINT, GA. 30044 February 7, 1967 -- - ' - .- -- - -- _· ' Mr . North Shor e Drive, SW Atlan~a , Georgia 303 11 ~ Dear Mr . As a home owne r in the Sewell-Cascade the f uture of yo ur property holds for advi ce fr om us t o induce you to sell, is this letter a s olicitation for you . ..," area, no doubt you are wondering what you . First, may we say this is NOT rent or retain your property . NEITHER to sell or rent through this firm . We would li ke t o point out that after due deliberation we undertook to be of service t o property owners of your area when others declined to ·do so. Where others feared to tread we faced the problem and concluded we could market real estate in your area. Our faith in ourselves has been more than justified as evidenced by the sale and closing of the following properties siryce _July 1, 1966 . ( Others sold, await~ng closing date . ) 3203 3370 3382 3343 West Manor Cir.b;n/~ Lynfield Dr. h CJ,.~ Lynfield Dr.)17Y1 ~ Cedar Island Dr.JV~ 3316 Pamlico Dr.~ 3399 Pamlico Dr.'J-~ ~ 512 Hiawassee Dr . / Y ~ 974 Veltre C i r c l ~ 3383 Anne lai ne Dr . RK fl~ 700 Lynn Cir cle ~ 3389 Sewe ll Roa d ~ 3394 Sewell R o a d ~ We re co gnize this is not setting the world on fire , but in view of the past tig ht money market, we be lieve t hi s is better t han anyone e lse has done in your area. We are hapoy to r epo r t t he s upply of money is becoming available again and we are anticipating a gr ea t ye a r i n real estate sales . The above information i s given for your cons id e rat ion in t he event you are planning t o sell now or at a f uture date . If s o, we would appreciate the opportunity of discussing the matter with yo u . For a consultation without any obligation on your part, call 7~6-5656. Very truly yours, INSURANCE, INC. SS:as �April 22, 1967 Mayor Ivan Allen Board of Aldermen City Hall 68 Mitchell Street, S. W. Atlanta, Georgia 30303 Dear Sirs: It is past time for pressure on the Southwest section of Atlanta to be taken off the home owners. Most of these very fine citi2ens built homes in this section planning to live there a lifetime and many have been residents for over twenty years. Their homes are in the $20,000 to $50,000 range and the neighborhoods are beautifully kept. From this section clllliles some of the outstanding citizens of Atlanta and Georgia, but if city hall continues to ignore the integration, or resegregation, of this one section of Atlanta it will soon affect the entire city. The neighborhoods will no longer be integrated; they will be all Negro and the former home owners will have moved entirely out of Fulton county •••••• as many say they will do if they have to give up their homes. How many of you have taken the time, or cared enough, to ride out in this lovely section to see the for sale signs that fill each street? Have you given any thought as to the far-reaching affect of this fear? For sale signs should be banned from in front of all homes. Most residents who would like to stay, even with some integration, do not wish to be the only white resident on a street and some discussion with both whites and Negroes should come from city hall. Other areas of Atlanta should be opened to these Ne groes seeking homes in all white neighborhoods. Pressure tactics are being used by real estate .companies and more and more signs are appearing in front of homes. If the present trend continues, Atlanta will soon be another Washington, D. C. and the prestige of Atlanta will disappear. It should be .in the interest of all good citizens of Atlanta, who are interested in the general welfare of Atlanta, to try to help stabilize the Southwest section - Cascade Heights, West Manor, Audubon Forest, King's Forest, etc •• Some encouragement from the mayor and councilmen of this city would certainly be most helpful and encouraging to these citizens struggling under pressure. If these people do not receive any help from this direction, then the Northside could easily undergo the same transition in the future and then the feelings and frustrations of the Southwest citizens will be better understood by others in Atlanta. This is an urgent matter and we earnestly .seek your full cooperation. Thank you. Citizens of Southwest Atlanta Attc$4: t List of nam~s Clipping from Atlanta Journal-Constitution �CITIZENS OF SOUTHWE ST ATLANTA . ~ -J £ di~ 71/~pd ~ ?2/02 c::&- /J</l,o qii a L,l 7l"!'-4 · •.(IL-, ~(k, ea .w ~ VJ . ~; !Jl J2~~1 �EDITORIALS 18 Atlanta and Ho'Using MAYOR IVAN Allen's effort to replace 17,000 slum housing units with good low - cost units has run into near - sightedness in the Board of Aldermen. Lt also is being mired in old discriminatory practices by construction, sales, rental and lending institutions in the housing field. More and more it is becoming evident that Atlanta must tackle its housing problems as a whole. If nothing else indicates that, then what is happening in Milwaukee should. Milwaukee is having demonstrations, which sometimes are breaking into violence, because it has not faced up to housing discrimin·ation. Louisville not long ago had a serious period of deadlock and unrest for the same reason. Atlanta cannot avoid this unless it faces the problem.

"' THE MAYOR'S "CRASH" program on housing is directed not toward bhe discrimination problem but simply toward the shortage of units. Giving this No. 1 priority in the city's affairs last November, he set a goal of 16,800 low-eost units by 1971. Within that goal was an interim target of 9,800 units during 1967 and 1968. At first the response appeared to be good. By May, the mayor's Housing Resources Committee reported that 7,264 units were "in sight," with more bhan half of these in the "firm" category and the rest marked "probable."


BUT EVEN THEN THE housing committee was cautious. It said that there was "little reason to assume an optimistic attitude toward future efforts," and added: "At this time combinations of federal policies, zoning problems, land costs, code requirements and general un, cez-!ainty pertaining to the program have se- - - __.._ ,, Zll · ££ . _·8upU!l!d AS\?;) 'lS'BJ JO .i . AYlll puD ll:1110ll


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......·-··::,::::::::~::~ ................. , . tmf ~-,. ·;>~~ aNn~ f>NI �ROUTE SLIP TO: - - - - - -- - -- - - - - - - - - - - - FROM: Ivan Allen, Jr. D For your information D Please refer to the attached correspondence and make the necessary repl y. D FO RM 25- 4 Advise me the s tatu s of the attached. �. ... .. A TLANT A , GEORGI A PHONE JA. 2•4 463 Iva n All en , Jr. , Mayor ~ ~;UN at_ J' t; /II/ y,w~µ d/1t1A4-/i;_ ~~ t/4ce-,d »u t/4J / t ~ ~ ~ y �~!!!!!!!!!!------~·'P""'!" ... ~ bt .atlanta ]ournal and CONSTITUTION Ir SUNDAY, MAY 14, 1967 RALPH McGILL .acists Excuse' to live like human beings. They've got to be prepared to compete." r Mrs. Hurley said she believes !,_ most Negroes "feel this is their j country. They have allegiance e to their country. 1 Among us there are many s who abhor war, but if we're at e war, the majority of Negroes e are going to support it." She predicted that the calls of King a nd Carmichael for Nes gro youths to ignore the draft "will be largely unanswered except by people of SNCC and, that kind - and they are precious few." In fact, she added, the nation 's record of greatest advances in r ace relations has OC· curred in time of war . War, a lthough unfortunate, "throws men together and allows them to understand each other." SHE DESCRIBED King's contention that the war takes away from the anti-poverty program as " baloney." Congressmen like Sen. Everrett Dirksen, R-Ill., " are throwing stumbling blocks in the way of civil rights," she believes. The money is available, but not appropriated. With 400 branches in the Southeast, Mrs. Hurley's NAACP is touching more individuals • tha n any civil rights organization. "Nobody," she stresses, "can speak for all Negroes . We can a only say what we think Negores ought to want." The CP which branches are encouraged to meet problems in their own communities . Like the other civil r ights spokesmen, Mrs. Hurley doubts that the kind of movement that existed in the earlier 1960s, will return . . . "THE BIG JOB now 1s 1mplementation of laws. ~ uch of what we're dealing with 1s called politics r ather tha n emotionalism ." The National Urban League, whose major push is retraining for jobs and upgrading of Negro skills through its Pro)ect Assist, has just opened offtc_es in Jackson, Miss., and Columbia, S.C. Negotiations are in progress toward moving into Albany. Heman Sweatt associate director of ~he U~b_a n Lea~e's Southern field office, beh~~es the vulnerability for exploth~g emotions still exists but wtll com~ from " spontaneo~s leJJ.dersh1p at the local level. Sweatt says white leaders, fearful of Negro unrest, are ~ • ginning to realize "that 11 volvement of people". ~nd_ 3 greater sense of part1cipatwn are answers. But they're no t mobilizing to meet the needs . A civil-rights movement will be fu nctioning, Sweatt assures, " but at a differe nt level than in the past." Soc ialists Qui t LONDON (UPI) - The pub- Mrs. lishe rs of the Socialist tabloid Hl11'ley says gets the facts and Sunday Citizen have announced d turns to militance " only after ' we've been rebuffed at every ·1 turn,' has picked employment and housing as its major current programs. However, all HART SCHAFFNER & MARX it will suspend publication with its June 18 issue, largely because of difficulties arising from the government's wage - price freeze. Continued from Page 1 dairy state, producing magnificent milk, butter and cheese. The dairy industry of that state has been a source of both chalJenge and despair to others in the same competitive business. But her cities also grew . Housewives with budgets began to patronize bootleg m argarine vendors. In the manner that liquor dealers will build along highways just outside a dr y county or state, margarine dealers m ade their goods ava ilable near the Wisconsin line. Thrifty housewives nearby drove across and purchased. Those who lived at distances depended on services that brought the packages in for pr ivate sale. The law, which pr ohibited the m anufacture or sale of colored oleo and put a tax of 15 cents per pound on any officially imported, became archaic a nd preposterous. L d essene Power As the cities grew, the rural legislative power lessened. It was ended when the federal courts required reapportionment to make, as nearly as posible, each voter's ballot equal to his neighbor 's. A third factor politically related to the othe~s was the loss of farm populatio~. The power of the Midwest farm bloc today is still great. But it is not the same bloc as that of even 20 years ago - certainly not that 0 ~ • ._,....,_; n .. 11 .. in the nation. Today, Iowa 's agriculture br ings in recor d totals. But it is more than doubled hy industrial income. Iowa's farm population grows less and less as farms grow larger and become more mechanized. Wisconsin 's fa ilure to support butter " m anufact w·ed by God" and other modifications in the nation's agricultural life explain much about America and the change that continues, day after day. WING'S ~UTA EIOLEX 150 S U PER 8mm MO VI E C A MERA Minister Quits Pulpit to Join Maddox as Aide SAVANNAH, Ga. (AP) - A Presbyterian minister, the Rev. Clifford H. Brewton, has resigned from his pastorate to become an aide to Gov. Lester Maddox. " I was notified by the governor that he has appointed me to his staff as an aide effective J une 1," Brewton told his parish by letter Saturday. "I have accepted the appointment and will be moving to Atlanta." Brewton is pastor of the Hull Memorial Presbyterian Church, one of two Savannah churches that withdrew last December from the Southern Presbyterian Church. "'- - ·~


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