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---== = = = ==c::aoc:.::,;;o::,=== =~,C::===•z•,:::""'""'F== =~::z:z=•..-::==- -======~ == ~ = ==•1o:s= ,; : : :->>-=""""'===zia=oac=:== --== =""""=--==-::::::=c:=> VOLUME FIFTEEN · 10<;: COPY Nm.1BER F ORTY-SlX OCTOBER 19, 1967 n @Ju u 1 hou sing. 2) Approval of 558 221 (cl) (3) moderate-income units the east s ide of F airburn Ro ad, north of Sewell Road. 3) Appr oval of 48 conventionaJ moderate- income units on the north side of Gordon Road, wes t of Adamsville Drive. Should the AJder man ic Zoning Committee and the full AJcler manic Board approve these proposaJ s, ther e would be a total of 1,700 units of low and mode r ateincome housing between Boulder Park and Wes t Manor . SWAP membe r s we r e urged to attend the Aldermanic Zoning Committee meeting at 2 p.m., Thur sday, Oct. 19, at wh ich the Ad a m s vill e Drive propos al comes up, and the mee ting at 2 p.m., Thur sday, Oct. 26, when the proposals a ff e c t i n g the Sewell F airburn s ites com e befo re the Commit tee. Mr s . Xernona Clayton, secr etary of SW AP, sugges ted that HUD (Hous ing · and Urban Development) be contact ed lo let them know that the gr oup dis approves of such concentration of low- income units in this area. The gr oup gener aJ ly expres sed the feeling that they do not mind having low to mode r ateincome hou s ing in the area, bul that they do feel th at other areas of the city should share the housing. Mrs. Cl ayton also said that SW AP mus t do some ground . Zo~ i g oa r l o Hear roposa ls (See e rlito r i a l on Pa g e 4) Th e members of Southwest Atl a nt a ns for Pro gress (SWAP ) were u rged at t he i r me e t in g l ast Thursd a y ni g ht , Oct. 12 , t o oppo se th e propos a l of the At l anta-Fult on County Pl an ning Bo a rd, ma de the d ay b efore , to pl a c e ap prox i ma t e ly 1,200 "lo w t o mo de r ate - inc o m e" h o u s ing unit s in th e ar e a bet ween Bould er P a rk a nd C as c a d e He ig ht s . The West End Bus iness tAen's Association, s i m il a r l y, has passe d a r esolution which s ays " we r equest and strongly r ecommend that no fu r ther public hous ing be pl aced in Southwest Atlanta until other sections of our City have taken the ir pror ata share of public hous ing units." Th e Ass ociat ion resolution further s tates that " we believe there is land available which can be acquired for public housing in all _portions of the City of Atlant a. • •we fc: el lhatSoulhwc,s t Atl ant a !Jas now r eached a -;alurati on point in re~arrJ to public hou s in ~. " Rev. J ames Cos ten, co chairm an of SW AP, a bi- r ac ial group tryln~ to s tabilize the interr ated W0,;t Manor r;cctlon of Ca:-;cade II eicl1ts, opened the meeting in the Parrish House of , the Church of the Incarn ation, EpiscopaJ, on Cascade Road, a nd then tu rned it ove r to Rober t Haver, hi s co-chair man, who br ought before the gr oup the decis ion of the Planning Board. The Board app r oved four pr ojects containing 1,436 low and mode r ate- income housing units. 1, 256 of which would di rectly affect the Southwes t area . The three actions affecting the South west ar ea are: 1) Approval oi GSO "turnkey" units on the nor lh s ide of Sewell Hoad, just wes t of the Atlant a Coas t Linc tr ac ·s. The US Depar tmrnl of Hous ing and Urban Development has tentative ly approved private devclop0rs to bu ild tile unit s, then turn them ove r lo the Atl anta Hous ing Authority for public work before the Alder manic Zoning Com mittee meets and th at th ey must also follow un their appeal to the comm ittee so that the Comm ittee does not deny perm iss ion for the location of the hou s ing units at the r egular meeting, and then turn around and approve them in a meeting generally not known about, as they did with 500 units al ready approved in the Fai rburn-S ewell ar ea. Mrs. Mary F r ances Peters introduce d the ladies who participated in the panel discuss ion, " A Woman's Point of View," th e scheduled progr am, The ladie s wer e Mis s Susan Ross, a s tudent of Southwes t High School who has attended segregated, long- time integr ated, and newly- integr ated high sch ools. · Mrs. H.Y, Hutcheson, who is associated with Audubon F ore s t Methodist Chu r ch and is also the mother of six children, was the second par ticipant. And Mrs . Lee Shelton, wife of Dr. Lee Shell.on and the mother of fou r , was the third membe r of the panel wh o fill ed in fo r 1Irs. William Alexander who was unabl e to attend. The ladies talke d br iefl y on the progr es s and problems of integr ation fro m their own points of view, The fl oor was then opened to discussion. The open for um, which lasted appr oximately an hour and a half, produce d questions and answe r s on the school integr at ion problems, the fears that both white and Kegro mother s might have, and what their (Cont. o n P a ge 5) ': * ... * .: C ons i d e rat i on of over 1 ,2 00 l o w-cost h o u s i ng un i t s for So ut h west Atl a nt:1. ha s b ee n po s tpon e d u ntil Nov . 9 by th e Al de r m an i c Zon i n g C o m m it tee , accor di ng t o Tom Shuttl ew o r th of th e C i t y P l anning Dcp:ntmcnt. �