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Feb.t"Uacy 21.., 1969 F ROM : ~rack c. Delius 6 Gonoral Nan-a gor o f rar'k.s r:n1d S.ccreb t ion SDBJEC'l.' : ~·cloram.::. Archi t.-ects , J.,,s per your .aug~Jes'i.:.ion Dnd i nstruc~ions., I have obtair~cd from th0 fir:-m o i; ~. . incl1, / ·,lo:;;: ;:: 1~c.er, Bc,r~:iBSc n.eithcch:U.d ond Poschi::-1 e lotter o u tlin i ng t~:B c.:greed s·i:of:f:ing end proc e<luros to be foll o w·ea by both the f i rms of · Finch , i,.le::;:ander, l3c1r110e, Rot.11schild and P.:. s ch,..Jl end 'l"hozopson a i d E e nco cJ<:. o A Xerox CT.·FY of !'·i i'. Ca).:-2k c r 0 .. i:i nschcl is c:;l1c lot;;c d . g nc looure JCD: j H �