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~!!!!!!!!!!------~·'P""'!" ... ~ bt .atlanta ]ournal and CONSTITUTION Ir SUNDAY, MAY 14, 1967 RALPH McGILL .acists Excuse' to live like human beings. They've got to be prepared to compete." r Mrs. Hurley said she believes !,_ most Negroes "feel this is their j country. They have allegiance e to their country. 1 Among us there are many s who abhor war, but if we're at e war, the majority of Negroes e are going to support it." She predicted that the calls of King a nd Carmichael for Nes gro youths to ignore the draft "will be largely unanswered except by people of SNCC and, that kind - and they are precious few." In fact, she added, the nation 's record of greatest advances in r ace relations has OC· curred in time of war . War, a lthough unfortunate, "throws men together and allows them to understand each other." SHE DESCRIBED King's contention that the war takes away from the anti-poverty program as " baloney." Congressmen like Sen. Everrett Dirksen, R-Ill., " are throwing stumbling blocks in the way of civil rights," she believes. The money is available, but not appropriated. With 400 branches in the Southeast, Mrs. Hurley's NAACP is touching more individuals • tha n any civil rights organization. "Nobody," she stresses, "can speak for all Negroes . We can a only say what we think Negores ought to want." The CP which branches are encouraged to meet problems in their own communities . Like the other civil r ights spokesmen, Mrs. Hurley doubts that the kind of movement that existed in the earlier 1960s, will return . . . "THE BIG JOB now 1s 1mplementation of laws. ~ uch of what we're dealing with 1s called politics r ather tha n emotionalism ." The National Urban League, whose major push is retraining for jobs and upgrading of Negro skills through its Pro)ect Assist, has just opened offtc_es in Jackson, Miss., and Columbia, S.C. Negotiations are in progress toward moving into Albany. Heman Sweatt associate director of ~he U~b_a n Lea~e's Southern field office, beh~~es the vulnerability for exploth~g emotions still exists but wtll com~ from " spontaneo~s leJJ.dersh1p at the local level. Sweatt says white leaders, fearful of Negro unrest, are ~ • ginning to realize "that 11 volvement of people". ~nd_ 3 greater sense of part1cipatwn are answers. But they're no t mobilizing to meet the needs . A civil-rights movement will be fu nctioning, Sweatt assures, " but at a differe nt level than in the past." Soc ialists Qui t LONDON (UPI) - The pub- Mrs. lishe rs of the Socialist tabloid Hl11'ley says gets the facts and Sunday Citizen have announced d turns to militance " only after ' we've been rebuffed at every ·1 turn,' has picked employment and housing as its major current programs. However, all HART SCHAFFNER & MARX it will suspend publication with its June 18 issue, largely because of difficulties arising from the government's wage - price freeze. Continued from Page 1 dairy state, producing magnificent milk, butter and cheese. The dairy industry of that state has been a source of both chalJenge and despair to others in the same competitive business. But her cities also grew . Housewives with budgets began to patronize bootleg m argarine vendors. In the manner that liquor dealers will build along highways just outside a dr y county or state, margarine dealers m ade their goods ava ilable near the Wisconsin line. Thrifty housewives nearby drove across and purchased. Those who lived at distances depended on services that brought the packages in for pr ivate sale. The law, which pr ohibited the m anufacture or sale of colored oleo and put a tax of 15 cents per pound on any officially imported, became archaic a nd preposterous. L d essene Power As the cities grew, the rural legislative power lessened. It was ended when the federal courts required reapportionment to make, as nearly as posible, each voter's ballot equal to his neighbor 's. A third factor politically related to the othe~s was the loss of farm populatio~. The power of the Midwest farm bloc today is still great. But it is not the same bloc as that of even 20 years ago - certainly not that 0 ~ • ._,....,_; n .. 11 .. in the nation. Today, Iowa 's agriculture br ings in recor d totals. But it is more than doubled hy industrial income. Iowa's farm population grows less and less as farms grow larger and become more mechanized. Wisconsin 's fa ilure to support butter " m anufact w·ed by God" and other modifications in the nation's agricultural life explain much about America and the change that continues, day after day. WING'S ~UTA EIOLEX 150 S U PER 8mm MO VI E C A MERA Minister Quits Pulpit to Join Maddox as Aide SAVANNAH, Ga. (AP) - A Presbyterian minister, the Rev. Clifford H. Brewton, has resigned from his pastorate to become an aide to Gov. Lester Maddox. " I was notified by the governor that he has appointed me to his staff as an aide effective J une 1," Brewton told his parish by letter Saturday. "I have accepted the appointment and will be moving to Atlanta." Brewton is pastor of the Hull Memorial Presbyterian Church, one of two Savannah churches that withdrew last December from the Southern Presbyterian Church. "'- - ·~


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