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/I January 16, 1967 lanie Moore 215 Piedmont Avenue, N.E. Apartment 701 Atlant , Georgi 30312 Miss De r Mi s Moor : Thank you for your letter of January 8 , 1967 to the Honor ble Iv n All n, Jr. regarding the po ibility of addle horses t Pi droont Park. The tables you refer to at Pi drnont Park r used for work hop and storage . We d p rat ly n d addition 1 ar as and could not imagine giving up thi pace at th pre ent time unl ss it could be replaced by modern adequ te werehou e . Horses r provid d t Ch stein Memorial Park but vn thi f rout r posing eriou problem which t thi to mo nt re cau ing th Ald rrn nic Committ conaid r th elemination of hors 11 rk r s. We r elize the recreation 1 v lu ridibg but r gret that w · c nnot Pi dmont P rk. Th nking you cco you gin for your 1 tt r, I Cordi lly, J ck c . G ner 1 P rk JCDabjv ce, Hon . Iv n All n, J r . / liu Manager of and R er tion t �