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('• '- l o(,-, / __, I 1967 _,. ·.·· -- . ... ...... - .!. ' S:: E.-- - - . ..

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3C: tr.e zoo for-er..;in . 1.)y


)ilbeck showeu. us 0v8:c 7 C(J'-.:..r--'.:,csJ

':.·..:::-csscci by his l oyc;'.h,~ -~ -) "' Le zoo .

-:··c, :'.s ~i vi ded into I . ;,,·cp:::·s Ja ::rL, city z.oo.s w 0r e P2.ant, .l. . eci-,e,tJ.::.,;h ad 1:,0 e:-:l1ibi·" & sr;:al~ call e e- The se l-:-'. er.a _:;· eri0s !': ad ::.o '- _;_· c.:::t j_o .al values or e conomical ba sic fo existing .

-~any c iti8s _· c, lizod

0-:her cities built 'll:'." :,:, 'ir zoos for educati onal prog2.~3.r.1s, · ·_:'.. ~ .' -::-.~ ;_\·ealt: :'..e:.:· ci' .:..es bet:an to tal-:e inta ·est in the cons e~ vation Toe.a/ , ·:.he.:::--e is a tendency to col7l'oine t hese val ue s , and in rcali t;;r , 1.r .· .L. ' ...... ...,_ ~ I. .L L., . .. ' _ - T-E:.:S:CAL PLAWI' Tf,c tn::'.'ee rr.ajor building s of t c Atlanta Zoo are outstandin3 . ·-.·..:.: ::..c:.::..r.gs ;1cre clean and uell r:ia.inta::..11ed .

.:·-~ :·~vin1:, sucn

?.. S · Some of the details n3cd lacing swin~::.!\3 bar s in the c enter of the pJ. imate All �::;~ .c c c 3.r, .,~... ~:·~~-li z3Q , 7 7 1 J :,:... r ~~ J _ J.. ") •....,_ _ 7 __;_ ..,. . ., (,.).J 1 ... ·--:"lir..a :;_ ':. :c 12.c.{ of 01-:t s i d c c age s at t a c: .JC1. t ., the bui l h g s is ver y not i c e..- 2"...lc :..:-.;.:, sin c e t _e bui l c.ing s a r e a lrca cy b"t.:i l t , it i3 u.n::1cc e ssa r y to Th e l a ck of info r r.ia tive s i ~r,s is ·,rery di s tur bi~:.,s , and t h e l oss o: oct -ca:.ioLal -.ral ue i s o viou s .


, :~IYAL COLT,.~ TION O.x.,er ,;ati n 3 : Tr.er e are defini t8l y s orr:e aninals that s hould 'be ahi~3 s s~ould b e off displ ay until t hei h eal t h pr o bl eDs are s olved ,

Jr- e:xar.:ple , the s pot-t.ec. l eorard .

T:1cre s es;,,s to b e a lac~< of !:mr µo se i n t he col lectioi. : -- - ·-, ..... ,. "' ·::::e :.;,,-:_,ical ~oo an:ir.·.al "': .os J' £ e:: .-- a·~::.o:n.s : ~ Gl-=..r_e hi ~~!:"O Z, ::i .c .:.f _fes , and bi~d s . Rcv,ork collect i on so the··e is an a::.~ ay of an~ ':ic.l s

ouse .

By removing all but on.e goo d breeding pai r o.:. t2.:,c~~s, t .ere v1ouJ.d be roon fo :."' a pair each of cheet ahs , s c .. val,

.::..~.:n cats , hyenas, etc.

�February 8, 1967 - 3- ouse . 2 ) Pr ir.1a.t Pl ace G:i.bbons in t . e pr esent Pi[{tail cd nacaques 1 c&.:::;c ; obtain -a lega l orangut an; thus all rcpre entat iv s 0 · ) :.~~_,;:;!·, Since th • s ::.c t.ens cul d b 3) house i s cont r olled environm ntally, rar e an di spl aye • · ptil ? House. ~~bli~, the uimsua l Consi e ril-,,g the house has never been ope olle ction can be cons idered impressive . t o t .e As far a s it coul d o dc~eIT.lined, there are no t anks t o displ ay pre aquatic t ur t les, for exa.; ple, !a.ta mata and the African Soft s hel l; turtl es are very popul ar ui.th t he public . We r comm nd t hat r emodeling of the Reptil e House be hel d in ab yanc unti l a direct or is a ppointed so that a profes s ional can govern its oper ation . To a llow a lay curator ca rte blanche t o r organize and r model a new building is fool i s h . Profess ional curator s , such as Roger Conant of Philadelphia, Herndon Dowling of New .York, or Earl Herald of Sa.~ Franci s co, would be pl eased to survey t he workings of the building and sugges t ·ways and means t o modify i t at the l east e.xpense s o i t could be op ned tot public . (4.) Hoofed. Ani mal Exhibit . These could be r i·: orked to display interesting species which would help conservation of t hreatened species . As it is now, t he few donkeys, etc . is an extremely uni nt erest ing exhibit. (5 ) Childr en ' s Zoo. This was seen under wint er conditions but it i s obvious that a better colle ction of animals could be obtained 1 i . e . pigIT".iy goats, llamas, and Fallow deer . Some of the wild babies t hat are born at the zoo (lions, t igers , monkeys , bears ) coul d be incorporated �t -- .. .L - ., _~ • ..I ..., . . . ' . .,.. ·-- J__ ,_ --::. -· L _, _ r; r ... ~ "- ...... -

'e' r:..'. a-:-:-y

--- ,- .... • "" c.1

3a:c to

(',~ Sir:c e t r,e zoo c.oes not c::--hi::,i t .. .:; .·:'. ..::.si ns . 8, 1967 i n. a

irC:s ; a 1-:::ole zool o.;i cal c.ivi-


ve, ,vithout a ·0irdl Ol: s;;, a t:;o od c olle ction co·1:i.(· .)c

'c :-::.:t : ::..a:~,:c bi.i.ds mi x ed wit: t- r:e :1oofcd stoc:~ , pa 2·ot 3 on out.:;i c:;o , , ja~- ~ in th e green ho;1ses 1·rit Ir,·\ I. I , ·.h O V C.. ,ent is i1ee"ed i n the cooperation bobrccn t he ~oo a:::: - .,... ,..... -... -· "Y"1 t :.;;; :,::.:..:.c ·::.::.0:.,2.:!.. sy st em t ha t cont::-ols the scienc e room in , o c;":af: ~c!"!)C s c o'Uld cond1.:ct tours, _,·. c.s.l sctools . ' ~ -- - .I. tne Prirr!El:te ::o~_.::;o, -ivc L cc lectures, There is a n endless lL;t of ways to promot e :-"!o-~e t:-:e educational asp ect of the zoo .


rr·-:c z.:;o is lacr:inc3 in imaginatior. . An cxa.rnpJ~ 9:_ l'OH c.ni u.~5 ooulc. r. .:; ~.-or·~~ed ir::,o t:1e p e s erJ.t physical s et11p t o rna.l< e it !:lore attrac tive is -,,.,~ 2.c ::.in"' r:o.ca1-1s to the planted ar ea s o f t he Prim.ate House, and sJ.1.all

~ ::c::.e: s ·,:o, 1 ld do vcc":· ".· :ell ir, the waterfall areas of t ..G 7cl:.,.o :-:oucu.

·.r.r.::l~::;::-•..,i 'Te ::mt side ca g es could b e bui].t to hous e t h e ccr.!?:lon :::1.onkcys anc.

·a:'..~~ :':"a n~,als .

I.,a,nds cape walks acros s fro m the bears coul d pass through Far:-: a,,d pa ddo ck fences coul d en close an unused ar ea or . o ec. sto c:·~. ~iiti: t!"1e advanta,:;e of t he so ·t :1ern Heather, outside pla:-its a:rsd a n21.al::, �r:: - .,1 - ZJ G ~. 1-. .:_3

,c.c!·.::_nc of the society a· · city, t:1e

.:;.::".'~:. --iit-· - both a s a culturaJ. 3.2,cl -'-


c -:,1;.l c. b ,:; a va.lun.' 2.e 2s:::: -:./ i:. to ec r-;2tic:1al 111:1 ,iio ic.1 Zo lo0 i asnington, D. C. '!; C (>ff::,c 1 r • �