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- February· G, 1967 . ' -- ~: J J J n c;.or t on Visit to Ath.nta Zoo on Januar;;r 28, 1967 J C) ,:..,.t...J , 1967 the undcr:::;ir;n cd v:i.::,itcd the Atl,:i.nta Zoo. Durir<;


 : :: ·,. ., look ed at the zoo aG t;n)ical visitors; in the aftC;rnoo,1,

· -~ ·.::.- cs co ,,·:~e..:l :)y t h e zoo forem.:i.n. ·,-_-._ ,..·:.;;'::, j_;;11)rc:.;scci -, · Mr. Dilbeck showed us every c·ou.rtcsy ,, oy his loyalt;y to the zoo. '_·;-::..s rc;_xl:..~t is di vi dcd into tn:c ee p0.Y·ts:

I .


_I. · Physica~ Plant, !',r:.::.r.·2.l Coll e ct ion, -and III. Conclusioif:· - In ye2.rs pa s t , city zoos were e:Jtablished to exhibit a small coll ec:-: . .:,:1 o: ar.i;-:,2.ls , in o ther words, a menaeei·ie. These i;nenageries c,a d-no sc:.c2-c,icr:al val ues or economical basis for existing. ·>··"-' Hany · ci ti .;)S ::.'ca.lizcd i: ·a·.-:in 6 }:Owe:- of animals and · began to build up their zoos for tourist 2·;:,J._,_ ·c3. ct::.ons. Oth er cities built up their zoos for educational programs, · ·r;:.. . .: . -c,r.c ,-:calthic::.." cities began to t ake interest in the c onservation -~: .. L. v


t -. 0 ~GO . ·.:·octc1y, the1~0 is a tendency to combine these values, and in reality,

.:-.1.: ~ -

c.o . ~- 2.8.:",8~--.t caci:. other to the a dvanta::;e of the city. With this

·----~_:_c3o~r..~, in rrd.nd ., this report is 1irittcn.

·--::--,o -_,:-,:2e e ma jor building s o f the Atlanta Zoo a re out standing . ·.:-, __ : _:_r' :_;1g s ·.-1 cre clean and well maintained. All Some of t he details need ·: -~ - :·o·;int::, s u c h a s placing swinginG bars in the center of the primate �______ .....• -2- Februa r y 8, 1967 'l'h , ou.t ::;id c co.r; cs on t he ::;n:;:1.ll cat l :i.no arc c:xtrc:-;-i cl;y ::;r.i:-i.11 <'.l. n d --~ ,;-_ :)c ::' CHO l' l·~ cd for better run::,. ·:·.:·~ c~ul c: oe The bear dens arc very unatt 1·a ct i ve i n:provod by land3capin:; and pa.intinr, .. The hoof cd ~nir;;,,.l ,_.' c2.. ::-. ~..:c,: s a ~ood l.:cnd scape plan to provide shade and prevent e:::-osic:.-1. . ~ .. zoo animal s paces could be made more attractive . ,1., _•_, ':';10 2.ac;..: of outside cages attached to th0 buildings is very notice2 • c.,J.c '.J ,t ::,ir.:.c c the buildings are already built, it is unnecessary to c:t::.J.:.i c :..zc -~hi s disadvantage • The la.c-;. ;: of informative signs is very disturbing, and the loss of .::<;.;.c2..".-,ior:al val u e is obvious. II . ,'.?I;·.:;\L COLI -EC TION O~,ccrvr.tions : There are definitely some animals that sho·cUd be

·c·:ovcc. from display, i.e. tailless Jaguar and Black Leopard.


~ .ir; 9.ls shoul d b e off display until their health problems are solved,


~,--; : · c.-::am.pJ.e , t he spotted leopard.

There seems to be a lack of purpose in the coll ection: , . ·'." ·,,--:,: ~:;-, ~.ion. s , ti ~ers, Pi gtailed macaques, and chir.tJianzees; while absent ,:. - zoo an~..r.ials: ...,. .1. 0-:: r.: _ _-.n~~,q_- ~j_ons : hippo s, giraffes, and birds. Rework collection so there is an array of animals ·:.:. ·-.. t;::, ~8J:~·. . . s0nts the anirnal· .k ine dqn1. ·,: 1 ) f eline House. ~i~: s ~~ ~n ~ ' •'•h · - - - h h . By removing all but one good breeding pair of t~c crs, there would be room for a pair each of cheetahs, serval , c at s , nyena s , etc. ·- -- -, �February 8, 1967 -.3- (2) ?ri r2tc House. ,;..;.__: ., ~ 0bt.:i.::..;i ) :.~(;c;cnt. . Place Gibbon3 in the proscnt Pigtailed macaques• a lcc .:i.l orangutan; thuG all represontatives of the ~pcs are Since t ho house is controlled environmentally., rare and .unusua l $:~3cir.:o;.: s ccul d be displayed. f,... 'J,) '"'n0ptile House. Considering the house has never been open. to the

_:;·,1b::::..ic, t h0 collection can be considered impres~ive.

1:,e: As far as it could c:.e:, ccrrr.ir.ed, ther e are no tanks to display pure aquatic turtles., for c.::-:x::iplc, r-1:tta mata and the African Soft shell; turtles are very popular We recor.muend that r emodeling of the Reptile House be held ii.1 ~bcy~nce until a director is appointed so that a professional can govern its operat i on . To allow a lay curator carte ·blanche. to reorganize and

tc:::odol a new building is foolish.

Professional curators , such as Roger Con"'nt, of Philadelphia, Herndon Dowling of New .York., or Earl Herald of S2.11 Francis co, would be pleased to survey the workings of the building and


5est ways and means to modif y it at the least expens e s o it coul d be

Ofene~ t o the public . (L,) Hoofed Animal Exhibit. Tl1es e could be r·eworked to display ir.tc r 0sting species which woul d help conservation · of threatened species. J.,. 2, i t is now., the few donkeys., etc. is an extremel y uninteresting exhibit. (5) ChildTen 1 s Zoo . ~~ This was seen under wint er conditions but it obvious that a better collection of animals could be obtained., i.e. pi g:-..y goats , llama.s, and Fallow deer. Some of the wild babies that are bo~n at tho zoo (lions, tigers, monkeys., bears) could be incorporated �j .. I Februa~y 8, 1967 ~;2 . ~-LJ t;1::;~, :r-t.::i.ch aY"! ar;c when it Lj no l onger ::mf e · to keep thcr1 in <1. '.Tith a l:i.ttlc thoueht, physically, tld.::; ccct io1; c011ld · . ·-·- . ' ' . -··- ----···n::; ~-;r,:n·ovc:d f or a cJ.oser association between the children ai.1d tbc. animal!J . . C : . : ·' ' .. ·._: ,·, I ::; '3:.)() • . ,o .) .,.uc c r.,ne I t \ \ .-.. .~ . .. 1 ..., __ ,, __ :..s ;:-:t :;cin~; . ,, zoo d ocs no t eY.h:i. bit birds, a whole z,oologi ca l c.ivi- Even without a birdhouse, a eood collection conl cl be

·c:~.,::r~: l.::.rsc oi::.·ds mixed with .the hoofed stock , parrots on outs:i.ci.'c

c:·.,..,::..-·.s ) ~.:::.rs in t he sreen houses uith the alligators, and s er.ri.- J.-;:;_·o~ical (7) I:-i:pi·ovement is r.eeded in the cooperation betwoen the zoo arn:i t::2 c.::--...:cat ional sy ctem t hat controls the science room in the Primate House. ~c:c :;taf: I:""t0rr10ers c ould conduct tours, eive free lectures, and tak:e ani mals '.:.o ·;:,:1c local schools . There is an endless lis t of ways to promote more i;-:.-'.:.c:·c st ir. the eciucational aspect of the zoo. 7ne zoo is l a cki ng in imagination. An example of how animals could be ·,.co:::-:<::e.:l. i nto the present physical setup to make it more attractive is 8Y adC:.::.nz m-.caws to t he planted areas of the Primat e House, and small .'.':..nc '.".cs -t!ould do v ery wel l in the 1vaterfall areas of tl1e ~elin0 Hou:::;e . c~e rcc~i v e:::; the impre ssion of always being indoors. Relatively

.: . :):-:pe::-,sivc outs::..ci.e caGcs could be built t o house the common monkeys and

-:2.:':..~~ 1r:<1r:-:'.1al0.

Landscape walks across from t he bears could pass through ~-2.r;-: aild paddock f enc es could enclose an unused area for hoofed s tock • .::.-:-.n t:.c adva!: t agc of the southern weather, outside plants and animalo I. �.. -5---·· ,·· ·-~--- --··--- l~c ?_ruar-y 8, 1967 co: .~:.·_:_ ·:1;i.l-~c the overall appearance of the zoo r1or e dcliGhtful. 2vcr, ·C.l-.ou~;1 t he zoo is limited in total acrcn.'._'.c, the re a:r:-e many

.r:;j_c:::-ov e::.:.ent s t hat could be made to give

11 feeli ng of la.r 0 sn0ss. 'ic10 .J.-tlarrta Zoo has a vast potentinl; with the cor1•oct c uidc1.r1c c: I ':.:--:-.c:-:in.::; of the society and city, the z.oo could b 3 a va.luA.ble c0:TI,,l:..:.1iJ.:,~, - bot:i.1 a::; a cultural and recreational c enter. D ~ '·(i~in~ lJ__J _:·~bt::J:=::::::::::;;;-=-- w. Ar mstrong ~ /dlj./ >~~- National Zoological Park Washington, D.C. I I �