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January 10, 1967 The regular monthly meeting of the Aldermanic Parks Committee was held January 10, 1967, at 2:00 P.M. in Committee Room #2 , City Hall. Present were Messrs. Buddy Fowlkes , Q. V. Williamson, and Everett Milli can. Also present were Messrs. Jack C. Delius, Stan Mar tin, F. W. Boswell, J. D. Chamblee and Thomas F. Choyce, Associate City Attorney. The minutes o f the previous meeting were approved. 4 Mr. Choyce advised the Committee that Mr~ Henry L . Bow.den, City Attorney, had turned over to him the matter o f the loco~otive, which wa s originally placed at Southeastern Fair Grounds by the Parks Department. He further advised that, legally, the locomo tive still b-elongs to the City of Atlanta. Mr. Millic an made a motion that the City claim its title to the train and a sk the Atlanta and West Point Railroad to find a suitable location for temporary storage. Mr. Millican added that the Parks Departmen t shou ld contact the Southwestern Corporation to see if the train may be placed as an exhibit in Six Flags Over Georgia, the City at all times retaining title to the locomotive. Mr. Williamson seconded the motion which was duly carried. Mr. Choyce also informed the Committee that the Parks Department does, in fact, have the right by virtue o f dedi cation to use for park p ;.1rposes the triangular parcel of p rope rty at Tremont Drive. Mr. Choyce stated that he had obtained a deposition from ~arie Coney, who stated in part that, when she was sold treproperty that she n ow owns, she was told that this triangular piece of property was to be used for a park for the children in the neighborhoo d . She furthe r stated that she had lived there since 1949 and had always tho'..1ght of this property as being a park. A Mr. Bennett, who sold the property to Marie Coney, has said that he would also be wil ling to give a deposition. The Com..~ittee directed Mr. Delius to obtain an accurate survey of the property before a final decision as to its use is made. · Mr. Delius presented a resolution to pay Mrs. Josephine Davis, Recreation Leader, an employee of the departm,ent since 19 46, time lost due to illn~ss, in addition to her accumulated sick time, not to exceed sixty days beginning December l, 1966. This resolution was a pproved by the Committee. Mr. Delius presented a letter from Mr . s. A. Furlong, dated Janua ry 1, 1967, requesting that retirees be allowed to play golf at a reduced rate of . 75¢. The Committee took no action on this request and asked that the letter be filed. M:i: - . De liu s advised the Commi ttee that he had received a note from ~r. Tom Bradley, Evangelist, thanking him f or his 1966 park pass and ask ing that the pass be renewed for 1967. The Committee denied this request. �L. .. ,.._..,_ .. ···- ·- --- - ---- - Page Two Mr. Delius reiterated the fact that all EOA funds for recreation have bee n cut off as of December 31, 1966. Mr. Delius f urther explained that we have been opera ting under three different contracts with EOA funds - senior high rise program, neighborhood playlot program, and sum~er recreation program (Operation Champ). Mr . Delius stated that EOA has now asked that the City assume their recreation programs. Mr. Delius inform3d the Committee that it would be impossible for the Parks and Recreation Department to continue to carry on the three programs we have operated i n the past on City funds alone without curtailing other existing recreation programs. He stated that the senior high rise program already has been terminated. Mr. Millican directed Mr. Delius to write a letter to Mr . Charles Davis, City Comptroller, with copies to the Mayor and all members of the Finance Committee, setting forth in itemized form the expenses involved in continuin-J these pro9rams, st ressing the fact that these activities will have to be curtailed unless financial help is fo~thcoming, and asking for their direction in this matter. · 1 There being no further business to come before the Committee, the meeting was adjourned. Respe ctfully submitted, Secretary STMJr:bjw �