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C ITY HALL F e bruary 10, 196 7 ATLA1'"TA , C A . 30303 Tel. 522 -41i63 Arc a Code r.04 iVAN ALL EN , JR ., MP.YOR R. EAR L Lh i;orn s, Adm i nis trat,vc Ass i stant MRS . ANN M. rti OSES , E,e cutivc Sec ret ary DAN £. SWEAT, JR., Director of Gove rnmenta l Li ais on Mr . John Mo hr Division o f L and D evelo p1nent D epa r tment o f Housin g a nd Urban D e v el opme nt Room 21 4 17 30 E :::.::: ee t , N . W . Washi 1gton , D. C . D ear Mr . Mo hr : In r e sponse to y our telephone call on ·we dnesda y , February 8 ,I am attachin g a s heet with the run - down o pa r ks acquir ed un de r the Open Space Pr og r am, total a cre age , and annu al anticip ated par t icipation . The Parks and Re c reation D ivis ion compiled these fi g ur es on the basis of a ctual programs i n six parks which are partially developed and by estimated annual participation figur es of undcvclop · d parks. The figur es o.n anticipated participation we re deve lope d from actua l p arti c ipation figures of existing · recreation pro g rams in establis hed parks using all as pects of public recre ation. Some exan1ples of typ es of r e creati on u sed are: low or ganized games, or g ani zed athletics and le ague play , music, dancing, arts and crafts , teen clubs, G olden A ge a ctivities , c a mp i ng , etc . Six of the par ks acquired under the Open Space P rogram are pa rti ally developed and serving the public now. In addition, the Parks Department currently has unde r deve l opment in 196 7 Clev eland Avenue, Benteen, Shady Valley, Waters, C oll i er Driver, and E1npire B oulcva:::-cl :?a:i.·~-;:s. A.Lte r c alendar year 19 6 7 only two parks w ill rer..-,.ai.--.. w~·~:1 ;10 ckvelopn1c nt, Gun C lub and Browns Mill. Planning for the devdoprne::-it of these two �Mr. Mohr P ::ige Two Fe b rua ry 10, 196 7 parks is g oing ahead and they w ill be s c heduled for d eve lopment at an early date.. If you require any other i nformation r ega rding the O pen Spa ce Pro g r am in Atlanta , p l ease feel free to call on us. S incerely yours, . ' ' I ( , .' I ' \ . I cc : Mr . J ack Delius Parks Manage r ' , •• /, \., \_,.. l' - D an Sweat DS :fy ,. ..__ ,\ ', I ,., - l �