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January 19, 1967 Mr . Jack Ad ir Adair Realty and Loan 56 Peachtree St., N. W. Atl nta, Georgia Dear r . Adair: Some months ago you were gracious enough to donate to the City of Atlant the sum of $51000 to go towards the construction of a fount in or some beautific tion item in cormnemoration of the 100th annivers ry of your firm . Perhap you have noticed that at the northeast interesection of Piedm:>nt and H rris a triangular park 1s now und r construction . This park should prove to b one of the mot b utiful dditiona to the downtown re in many years. The City is required by 1 to erec~ plaque on 11 public building nd in parks listing City officials, etc . 8nd we wish esp cially to list your efforts tow rd the construction of this $25,000 project. Therefor , my I suggest the following 11 or ing be used& The City of Atlanta gre tfully ackno ledg s th don tion of fund by Mr . J ck Ad ir for thi fount in in moration of th 100th anniver ry of R lty end Lo n 11 If you would like to ch ng t y do wording in ny not h sitat to dvi nd th nking you again for your cooper tion, I Cordially, Jeck G c. n ral P rk liua n g r of ion nd er JCD1bj cc• H n., I n All n, Jr.,, M yorv' �