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C OF TA DEPARTMENT OF PARKS OFFICE OF GENERAL MANAGER ATLANTA, GEORGIA 30303 May JACK C, DELIUS CENERAL MANAGER FRED P. WHITLEY ASST. GEN . MANAG E R FRED. W. BOS_WELL ASST , GEN.MANAGER VIRGINIA CARMICHAEL DIA. OF RECREATION 15, 1969 I . Mr. D. L. "Pat" Barron / 153 Lindbergh Drive, N.E. Atlanta, Georgia 30305 Dear Pat: STANLEY T. MARTIN AOMIN . ASSISTANT I ' want to certainly thank you for meeting me at such an early hour thi s morning at the Eden Ra g Compa ny-Ira Stre e t Recre ation Cent e r. In accordance with your request, I would like to make the following suggestions as to what contributions the Executive Park Optimist Club might consider making. 1. 2. 3- 4. 5. 6. Hot water h e ater Electric wa t e r coole r Concre t e seal e r -on f loor in the gym room Indoor/outdoor carpeting for the game room and possibly the reading room Uniforms and/ or recreation supplie s as sugges t e d by Mr. Grady Butler or Mi ss Jimmie Mims Spons ors hip of a we ine r roas t I think if would b e quit e in orde r for your a ss o c i at ion to sponsor a neighborhood wide we iner roast for the ·· : dedication of this facility. As you know, it should be ready for u s e within the n ext few weeks . Most of the it ems lis t e d a bove are n ot prese ntly planne d b y the Ci ty of Atlanta . -Your a ss i s tance i s d eeply a p pre ciated, a n d I am rdi~ lly, a k C. De l ius Ge e ral Manager of arks and Re cre ation JCD:bf cc : Mr. Joe Ge n try, Parks Engineering Mis s Jimmie Mims, Asst. Direc t or of Rec reation --Mr. R. Earl Landers, Mayor ' s Office Mr. Johnny Robinson, Community De v e lop ment Coordina tor Mr . Grady Butl e r, Ex t e nsion Area Mgr ., Sum-Mee Ex t. Office Mr. Bob Johnson , Chief Electric i an Mr . Stanley T. ~~rtin , Jr., Assistant Genera l Manage r Mr~ Ron Ransom,_· Re creation Coordinator Mr. Eddie McLemore , Rec r ea tion Supervisor C,, I • \ ".£. ~ <>: 'i './; ... , ~:r-- ~ '(',,' ly 0]' jlJ'( ~ . �