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4 �Racial P owder Keg: Negro-White Hostility Is M ounting in Cleveland I Co,ttim,e<i From Pnnt1 0110 some ;,iuthorl1J c s expect Communist opcrn.l!vl!s n•11-son: T he ··1ong hts tory of n e1;ottattons with, to be Rel ive here thi1< year: the ,;ra nd j ury ""d brokPn p t om\-"e" trom, the loc1'1 i:overn. lnw•,.11;:-at!ni; \"-"l -"Ummrr'-'! Houi;h · r ioL~ found mt'n t.·· ;\l11yor Loche r 11.ccu :1c/ll Mr·. WcRvf'r of (',·1<1.-11<·'-" of Comn111ni-"l I"torty p.:,.rtlclpn\lo n. u n f.1irnc.$S. Ci h • H :,JI n ricl t h!' CJc,·cl nnd busi ness communit\• arl! nt odds. Th~ Inner Cit~· Action comn,Hte e led by Chairm an Ralph 'acs1<e ot Cleveland' E lectric j muminatin~ co., wu c reated a fter the 1966 Ho11:;: h riots . to hl'lp the city cope wHh Its racial p robl ems . But !lflc r lli x months It s evered rela Uons with th e m ayor b eCILUl!IC ··the c ity adminis tration w jll not a cc e p t mea n · '""" · ""'""" " ' " ' '~'""'"""·" Mc. Loc her o ccu scs the buslncSl!l m e n of "plllylni;: politics with the w e ll•belng or the pe ople of Cle~·e la.nd. •• City Hnll nnd the res ponsi ble Negro leader• 8 hlp 1fre a.t odds. ' "ii"requcntly when lt'a most nee ded , the , . '. J..-,r ,,J org-'1ni,rntion l's prnceod ing on both sides of the color lh•c. The United B l ack Brot11<• rhoo<.1 fUBB), formed Ins t fnll and r ega r dcd by rnll c(l Chirf W:1i;:ne r Ml "' mllltan tly r , cl11 l:" _l,s nctlvcly Jnvolvcd ln t he "tt\aloS"Uc!I In blnck 1h"l present Ahmed n nd others to th e ~ <'gro corr: ~rnnlty. Thi! suppose d a.Im o f the d _lalog ucs 13 t o 11tccr m!Utanls a way from V!Olcnce and toward p eacefu l protest. But pollc e ""-Y the e rrcct Is to unite Ncs-rocs uoacc <he UBB baonec. Lewi.'! nobln:son. Identified by IL. i;:rand jury a s a Leader In last s ummer·s riots bu t never Indicted, l\nd no w a par ticipant ln the "dla.· logucs." imys of t h em: " We've had factional· Ism. No\V IVe want lo pull all thes e things to. i;-ether." He v iews rioting- ns ,.produetlve and ~ e:,grr:e~~11~ ::s'11rcl143.\~h;::,';lt~\ : ~ ~I~ ~:~~k:n.1~111·nln1, t hat dras lle measures mus t m11n . rcplh.•11 with e !]UII I lntcnl!lily: .. Locher'i, a. d ecent. ho n ..,.t, "i ncerc i;entl ema.n. but you e:i. n" l b e " _c:cnll<'mnn nnd cope with th e prob· l('ms o r thl" town. You"\•e got t o b e a. hnrd· li!Hl'd, prnctlcn l i.uy who"ll t nko rl11k8.' ' E s t n.hlls he d Nc,:-ro Jcnd er-'<hlp nnd lh e Ne• gro community are A.I odd". A l ri\lnlni; proi;rRm e r,onsorcd by the Nn• lion" \ A/!soclntl,,n for the Advancement <>I Colored f'copl e nnd the Urban Lc1t.c:ne hns Oopp<'d bndly In It s ntm or get tlni; Negroes Cf:w?'°J:;~

~~o J; L !~:~csd it: ~:\

Jn t he position o f p r epnrlng peopl e l o b e put on 11ht lve-,." With thlll failure, t he NAACP and Ur b11n LM,rue tlropped nnothe r notch In the e s teem of C levefa.nd".!! N e,;roe11. A ccording to one dvll right.-, i;pccla lls l, "The NAACP couldn "t mobilize & picket li ne of 1 0 pe ople no w ... at !:: 11.Negro H,u·ll'll .Jnnr11 a lso believes Negroes s hould crowd Into n /!ln,:-Le i;r?UP Cor ··p,oUUea.1 pur• l)OIIC"· He pln11" to 11tnke out on his own thi s month to or,::-:inl;:e such n group. Whlt P. Or:.::01117. ln g An nr·_i::ru1i 7,i11;; drive nmong whites 13 b eing pln.nnf'd h_y Rnbf'>"l Annnblc. c hnirman of the Cl e vrlnnd ,hn.1<cd Natlonl\l Chril!U:,n Conservn.• live Snd... t y nml nl~<> he nd or the North Amerl· crrn A IU,~ncc of White People. Mr. Annable. who bPl u.•i·r.q thnt N 1cgrocs al"e '"eullurnlly and

~et{:~c~;\;? \~~:~~l~-.;,,~:~~,-~:~:1ch..o l;~:f1d143.215.248.55

1e hltc C1 t1;:,cn3 Co u ncil of O hto. s ubi1crlbl'l! tn m:iny o f Ur. Annab1e·11 beliefs and 11.reo J>lnn ., rnlll r a. The 11.pecla l targets o r a ll these racln\ organl7.el"I;. whe t her they admit it or 11ot, nre the young11!cn, of lhls "' city of n;tllon,..•• mos t ot whom live In neig hborhoods that sre s harply O{ community a nd the police arc;_11~i,.:;o~~-/ ~:l~~;~l!ry At~a~·=~- a~;::::: by ~ar;~~njoj:cr~ :., ~e~::;in~ci;ur~d ~~tl~~:~ _!:,a•:,,_iargc ly Pol111h, Hough large ly j'l"egro, and 11ummer·11 rloUi , but n e ver Indic ted. and who now work8 a.11 & building mainte nance m a n In Houg h e ssesses the curr e nt mood of the ,!;h<'lto 11.11 • worse th:<n ,11. y ear ago. T he rcason ? "Pollce brutnl!ty," he says. Pol\cf! Chief As the pt·1cssures of s ocial ehani;:e h a ve n ,ounled. whn t o nce w e r e you t h clubs h ave b ecome ga.n i;-3 a nd n ow, say social worke rs and police alike. the y are turning more vlcloul!ly r acist. "We know t hat whit e a nd N @gro \~:ei;n~J;:.e:~~e:/ :~-ze c~~;:tn:;;!~~= those e :111t o f t he CuyohogR.." Mo11t w h ites live on the wcl!t 8ld" of th& Cuy11hoi;11. River , w hic h runs t hrough the middle of Clf!Veland; mos t Ne1,roe11 live on t he east s ide. ,\lo,·eme nt In the Schools Still , Mr. W9-gne r h as C8labltshcd a ne w community r e l ations uni l in thl! d epartme nt

ind h as opened etg ht n e w police athletic ce n,

ters for alum youths. Als o, the r e h a a bee n s o me movement In edu cation. A new school board h:111 Initia ted the con11trucUon ot 11ome·~.f;~'~!e"~;~n11·~\:~'.'e"~:~i··~:,:~;:.~tr. Kan. Jn Cnlllnwon<t. n w h it e nclgh borhoorl n ext to lhe No:.gro Glf'nvllle sectio n, a. young fe llolV In hl,i twenlle.~ s ays : "When the dv11 rights groups snld llll'y w e r e going to march thts a11mn1cr In our ne li;:-hborhood, a bunch of lhe S'UY3 In nur club dec ided to form vlg lla.nte g1·oupl!. " The ""rlub"" h e rekr11 lo is 11.. n eighbor· hood socio.! club . .Mri,. Hanserd or the We lfare Federatio n .say.,, ··we ke<'p henrlni;: there·s a buildup o f guns in the Collinwood 11.i-ea." "Clmln C.,u,i." T :,r _i:-rt rra,;llN, 16:03, 29 December 2017 (EST)a~~ _ ~ 16:03, 29 December 2017 (EST)~II ..e~ • t !~do;~,~~fon°!1 ~ l~~:r:~:,r~~a 11.Uen of a 1!1.lpplernentary e4 Uon center to d raw white and N egro pupil" for speclallzed Ins truction. "The o n ly bright spot I ca n think of la our 11e hools , """ YS Alan Ka.ndel of !hf! Jewis h Commun.Jty F ede r a tion. th 1 out':::1~; / t1 s143.215.248.55:r r::~~/11111~~ w;~:in~~:,;:

~l\~: ;\~~:t,t?lly~ll?,~~"b=~:i;~

/~:~~ ~v:g·~: Ch;;~ ~.fn~8f.,~t,!, " Th@y'.-e h~v"..'":;;11,~fd t:iot; 16:03, 29 December 2017 (EST) 11.-11.ctld.n.i,, with the gun.e In the b m e nl of one mcmbe.-".'I home. 11hooting at pa.· pe r taq:;cla thl'Y c11 ll 'n!g-gen1: " a ,;ocla l work· er ,mys. " The p urpose for t he i;:uns. they say. 1.~ to d efend thrm,.elves AJ:;1'-ln sl the Nl'g:roe8 when lhe r!r,(g r.omr. 11i::nln t hl" i,ummer." M;;e 11ir°lli~~,,~1



0~hetc16:03, 29 December 2017 (EST)~~ ihi;·~.•11.;;:e~A143.215.248.55 16:03, 29 December 2017 (EST) e~~!t143.215.248.55\•d~ne~~ ; ;~~ ~~!~~r;

~:~n\nt;.":, 1\16:03, 29 December 2017 (EST)~~tlt~~i:~n)~

or llrgo "\\'nllnco for Prc :sident." Thl,i 18 the produd:o t rad e 11 ~~oc:illtlans hA.\•e 1tnnoun ccd work of the Alley Rat11 gani; wl10_,e m cmben, 1 ~\:~~'.:·~: ~1;;;i• ;;;~ 1 F:u~~ r~:n~r~Jc:~h7t ! "';;u;l;.~~c:.io~t~I~~ la ndlords who h,1\'e Jacked op prices. Other publ ic :md prin,tc rchnbllllntlon projects amount to " drop in tho bucket. MRvor Loch.-r. to,· his p nrt, h lLs 11ome p l/Uls h e (',,:'pl'ct .~ to r eveal 11.11 election time 11p• pro:1.ches. He n lrl'lldy h:,s r epaved some slu m s treets. Ins talled n ew " trc e t l li;h ts. nnd h1tule d off th<' :o;trl'ets humlrl'ds o f junked cars. Soon h e hopes to s t n rt n citywi d e rnt control pro· gr.im. coll<'Ct J:h c tto tras h weekly l ns tcnd of monthly. ll't som e conlrl\Cl8 for piny nrc ns nnd ..,·.-~t · poc:kr:t"' parks , ILnd augme nt the clt y ·11 supp ly o f hou11\ng Inspectors , policemen and mcdlca.l personnel.

,i<>nl'y l'rohlf' m "

But t11l this cos t, mone y, nnd the mayor 1s h:,.vl n g h is troubl es ·o n t hat score. Vote rs de· r eat cd n. city tncomo t ax ln 106:1. Lai;t y ear the cll y coun cil cnncled IL. lax to be e ffective this pas t Jnn. 1. b ut d isgruntled citizens have ~~tr;:~!1~!~~ buri;h. 'lho Oullnw:o. "- Clevela11d m otor cyc le club. Is 1·epn1·t~d Loylng pl:1ns t<> lllta.ck the C h r.c kl'rcd Chc ru h.s, fl Negro motor cycle c lub. The United Bln c k Brotherhood. who.<:e ,;t~on.i;-_h<Jld.~ h ;n-e b ee n fo und by . poltcc t o con· t a m fire bot~bs. hn.~ begun w ithin the past few weeks to m .<:trnct some Nci::ro youth gn.ngl! lo ··i;uc nllla warf:,rc. ·' P o lice Cl,Jet \Vagncr s ays the U BB has mad e conta c t wit h the Pondcro:;~s . a :OO•mr:mb.- r i;roup preoccupied until rt.ccnl ly Wllh vnnd:tllsm but now turn. Ing lncrcn.<:lni;:ly n.nll·Whlte. A ,;!m1l11 r turn. 11;1.ya t he r,olic l! c hi e r, h iu bee n <11'\cc:tcd nmoni;- othe r N ci;-ro g l'l ngs . l!Uc h 11., lhe D c lamores. the D c vll'a Dlscip!es nod the Marquis. '"They·r e g e ltlni;: IL.way from , (;"ani; activity a n d are forming mllllant racial organlza.llons ," .M r. W agne r d eclares. _ _ __ ~a,.rc~:1dt h1: 1;;:y t~..3~~1~~:.r -~~u~~e ~:/~!t·d~~ I.nterco I n c. Hold~rs Vote Stock Increases 1;1C::~. b: ~:~~:dt~· 11~ ".se:1:,:e ~~::;k.:·,t :c~a wui Anyway, the mnyor ls w lllln1, to m ove only so fa r . To hi m some s pecifi c r ccommenda.· tlOnl! roi- @asini; ra c t:11 t ens ion In C l ev e l11nd '.':~~;;;~:e~:,. 1: ~dc~:1~..~\~~t;f,!;~;r;::;~~o~o ~~= ~~ft.. :.ff!~'~\~~ r ~~'\ 01 16:03, 29 December 2017 (EST)1yc ~~ :i~t:\~lthc~:: l11. r -11.-yen r mr:n t o 11n.,n11rl the u rban r e new/I. I t tt ngle . lns ls t ,:,d on tho r emovl\l Of l h l! c i ty'" urbnn r e ne wal chi c!. The mn yor _r efu11ed. !O~ ~r .ne':c:cel~. •;.h~00,~\~1{e 0 ~1~:" ~t;:;:ct:~ to ,rnnounce " oon a c r,.,,_h proi;rn.m to provide j obs for une mployed N egroe!I In 19 cillc!I, nnd th e m"yor b cJle v cs Cl e vcl.ind wlll b e one. But Mr. H a ndel of th e Jewl11h Community F e d e r · A.tlou. who h11s bee n In on 1mm e o f the lo cn.l •:i Boost in Common and Preferr ed , C rent.ion of a N ew Preferred T o E nable F u rther Diversifying ,i11 " ·1 vu.1, 15-r>1,:-.:-r J OOJ!t<Ai.. 8lt>/f R:.-po.-,~.ST. LOUIS _ J nte rco Inc. l!lho r e holders cle11red the WAY for further dtversltlca.Uon of the compa ny by vo un,.- to lncrea11e a.uthorh:ed commo n b y fou r million llhllr .,s. n n d the exist• tni; pz·e(crr e d by 327.060 e ha r es In nd ditl on to crell.tlng 11. n e w preferred issue of one m il· llon llhnrrA. r~!e~~!r:,~, sn!:s. ~-~t/ :.!-\~1143.215.248.55 16:03, 29 December 2017 (EST) C~bo~:l: l11.cll~; However. 11s!d"' fro m a pending RCquls l· 2.000 p eople b y J une , n.nd t h1Lt's only three lion of S;, m S ha1nberg CO .• 1'f e mphls. T@nn. , 9 mor.!i~ : ;h~~yl~o m onth11 RWa y l!J the dooms• ~i:,::;,~o:11: :..,: ,,l~;!o~r:s':f:tr~';.'e143.215.248.55r!~~r;~;e : ~: d"Y" pinpointed by Ah med. H e Is quite correct ts n·t 11crlous ly 81Udy!ng a ny p o11sl ble n.cquhl · In prcdlctlni;: 11 0 eclipse o f the s un on May 9. Uons, Norfleet H . Rand. vice chair m a n ot t he but 11 uthor1Ue11 say the ecli pse wLII be pn.rtllll boa rd Rnd lreMmre r . :!!aid afte r the. m eeting. a nd won ·t tum th e Clevels.nd sky dark. And S ince lll64 , J nte rco has p urs ued An a c tive Ah med's Jo recast or r evolt msy be wildly cllver11H!ca t1on p rogrll.m. It opera tes 210 junior exai;~erl'l led. But other e vents echeduled for cle pal"lme nl s tp r l's, eight work a n d p[;,.y clot h· C1 evr,l1tnd soon are like l y t o arouse racial lni;: faetorles 11.nd !It:,,; r e ta il hardware s tore" t e mper-!'. plu11 !111 11hoe m11nufa c turlng a nd retailing t::nt<'r ;u~·r11n I, uthcr hl ni: ope ra.Uo ns . '"We're Interes te d prima rily ln lhe The R e v. MRrUn Luther 1,;:1ng J r . will vis it l'!Ofl J:"OOdl!. 11l\hou gh w e'd consid er a.ny field Cl eve lnnd soon to he lp prer,are for slm ultA.· that looked prom is ing," Mr. Rand s;, ld. Sa[(>s i,,nd e;, r n lni;:s In D ece,nbe r nnd .Jn.nn eous d(> m onstra tlon!I this 11•1m mer h ere a nd In o lhcr c ities. The mllllanl Congre811 of Racia l uary, th<' flrl'l l t wo m onthl! or t he company·s E!]un llty (CORE ) ha !I narrowed Ill! !Jl!llrc h for fi~ca l ye11 r. "'howe d an lm prov@m e nt over the a summer "de monRtrat!on city•· to ClevelRnd. 1<lmlta r p eriod a year earlier. Th e execul\ve Onkland . C11li!. , llnd N ,:wa.rk. N .J. A spok e!!• 11n.ld. And lhrl'e will b e "Rn imp•'Oveml!nt" man h,:,rP imy~ It I~ '"quite pn~slble" t h 11,.t Cle ve• for the qua r lrr c nd<'d J",-b. 28 from l h• f i rst 111.nd wlll be the fina l c ho ice. pc 1·lod or fl!CAI 1966. when lntl'rco earned •·u cORVi m"kcs Clevelnnrl 1111 t arget city, .. $3,861.227. or S t.fr.) " ~hnre. on sales of .$ 106.· 1111.y11 J . B. S lonrr, vice c ha irman of the w hile· 639.!IH . cxcludlni:: r esult11 of I d aho Department suprcm,..dst Na.tlon11l Slal e8 Rig h ts Party. Store Co.• 11cq11l,·ed ln (i'ebrua.ry 11166. "we·11 com e to Clevel a nd ta s tagf! pe aceful Mr. R"n<I 11 l~o predic ted hig her sa lc8 and countcr•demom1tr11t1ona." La11l s ummer, after ea r n h1_s::-11 for th~ ye ar endin g Nov. 30, even a SlAtcs Right!! P:i.rty rally In B llltlmor e. without " contribution from Sam Sha!nberg lhe 1066 CORE: demons tration cit y, whites n.nd Co . On "· pro· form11. b11.11is for las t year. for N",:trocs tangled In the streets. Ins tance. Sh11lnbPrg would hnve contributed 18 'l"he Ku Klux Klan Is prepari ng t or a.n or• eenl8 a s h 11re, aftrr prtten-ed dividends. to In· gan!zallonal meeting In this c ity In a. tew t e r co·11 l"CJ)Ol"tl!d earnings o f SH.il98,000. or $3.91 weeks. T he r e aro r eports that the Ame rican a share. on sale$ of $469.100,000. Ruulb ot Nazi Pa.rly Intend! activity here t h is spring. lda ho Dnporlmf'nt Store Co. were Included At t.'he other end of the "POIIUcal aoectrum . o nl:v fo1• nlno month,.. l �