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j November 13 , 1967 , Mr. Mike Chanin THE EMORY WHEEL Aiumni Memorial Office Emory Universi ty Atlanta, Georgia De r Mike : I have read with intere t your c ol umn "The J undic ed Eye" • I congr tulat you on it and I think you have done a good job in rese rching the facts and in pre enting th m . May I offer you the following information whi.c h I do not believe you bad t the time you wrote the rticle . The Atlanta C mber of Commer-ce, for a number of year • has ccepted member regardless of r ce.; and, even today, Mr. Clayton R . Y te erves member of the Bo rd of Dir ctors. your tatemeut concerning The Commerce Club i in I have personally. on everal occ sions, had Negroe a my g at for lunch in The Commerce Club. ha been voi.c ed to my kno ledg • Thi information ia not offered but, mer 1y, ftn you to have. criticism nor· for cecrection Sincerely, Ivan Allen, Jr. JAJr-:am ~o objection �