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• '. ,., ' L 1, 11 1 • ,.. I _ ,_ - - - - - - - - - ··1,,.,r· -. d ·-- ........ ut , ;.. --~-----L 1 w -- i,,d _ _ __ ,I , 14 I , I - -- 1' ----- - U: t I )( CCII 11 .). '~ 1 ! •I September 2i 1967 Senator Robert Kennedy United States Senate Was hington , D .c o .I I De ar Senator K;ermedy: 'i 'hc enclosed news cli ppi ng is submitted as supporting evidence of t he provocative r eaction of he repr esentatives of the Ne e ro Com;@.l, it,y with respect to the naming of a segre gated school f or your b:ro'i:.her , t-he l ate Jo;}f", '"' . :"ermedy o t a met ting held last ni ght in the auditoriu m of ·~h Georgia. Teachers and Education Association in At,l anta , a resolution was pass ed unani mousJ.y requesting a:'ld ~;;.tho:cizing the Hri~e-' t0 bring t his ma tt er in t his fashion to ycuratte 1tion o Beca-J.sc th2 buildint; of tl 1:: school on the c c-ntro-.rcrsal site reprewents ~n ext nsicn a.~d perpetuation of the seg r eg&t e d school p.::t1:,e rnJ1 tho hom;; o,,me:rs oc.::~pying propt:r'.,;.y i.:l the aera under c cnsiderat.ic.n hava .f'il d suit in t he North Georgia Federal District Cc.urt. o If t e dEJc i"'ion of the cour'v is unfavorable in 'i:.his ins tanc0 an appeal will be fil "d ,1ith the 5th Circuit Court in :~ew Orleans and t.hc matt,er may re ach the Supre .e CoJ.rt of the Un:i.t.ed St.ates before -c,he rr!Q,tter is finally adjudi cated. With this background we wru l d hope that you mi ght wish to inqdre of the f::,esident of t .e Board of Education .i.nd the superintendent of tho At l anta Schools as to whether any colored person Has co t cted as t o the na'.11ing cf the segre gated school fer your br other whj ch would of c ourse include thos w:io:::; e property they plan to ~e cure t,hrough c cnde rri:la t :l.on proceedings becau::,e the c.-mers hs:..re refused to sell thei r pr operty· to the Boa 1Ad of Education o The persona l a."1d official be havior patt E:rns of the l ate Pre s ider:t Kennedy should be concrete pr oof that he would not be in sym _t hy wit h any type of segr egated enterprise bearing his name o tr.ore than 35 ,ooo col~red peopl e were represent e d in the m eting laat night where this organized disfavor was registered o · 0 I wou ld . appre ciate hearing f rom you when you have had a chance to give attention which t his ma tt e r deserves . I am since rely y ours 1 Jes sa o. Thomas J(JJ: :nbg CC Senator Edward Kenn edy Enclosure j �