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i' J· I I ! f',r. HNrard . GJ.over I 995 Bolton RdoN.V. 1(" Atlanta,Gao30331 I • \ May 7,1969 . . • . . .I. - ... ._ , __.,. - - . - __...,--·}fro Jack Delius ~-- Parks Department " . ~ City Hall' Atl:mta,Ga o Dear Hro Delius:. · I am me.kint; a cor.1_pla int to you against an employee at Piedr:1ont Park Golf Courseo I don't l:Jiow his name,but he function a s a sta rt er sendine golfers off the first tee.Hy compl a int i s this;I was a t Piedr'.lont ·pc:J'k Hay 6,1969 (yesterdny ) alone with thre e other fellm·1s gettinG . ------------ ready to play o _ _ ___ _ I went to the ball r a ck to che ck the number of ba...11s in front of mine. I · couldn't see the n ar.;e on my ba11 1 so i • took the one out in front of mine to make sure ' S:f:'!5 we would be up n cxt oin do~ng so,he cursed me1' 'don't fuck with my balls 1 ',tt was t mmedi a t e ly r eport(;d to the pro, Pete Coleo I dicln'.1 t like it a_rid i told him so, i don t t . like it now and i ' m going to v,Ti t e so:;ie more letters to sorr.e oth er peopJ.e oI would like fo~ sor.1e action to be taken I again.st hir.i oI h ave see n whites r.iove ba ll out of the rac k a.'1o. h -::: did:--a I t say 2..:1.ythins . I \·r'.)uld a ppr e ciate you look..i_ng i nto this r.:~_-;;tsr· ·-c.~ 7 ·• - ..... _1- -J i ble o Si ncerly Yours, J/ti,;~~Itt~,£~- / Em;a.rd GlcHer --- �