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t I I I FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE FROM: The -' Urban Coalition For further information: Donald Canty , Urban Americ a Inc., 265-222 4 The Urban Coa lition has scheduled its Emergency Convocation for August 24 at th e Shoreham Hotel in Washington, D.C. Co-chairmen of the Convoca tion will be Andrew Heiskell and A. Philip Rand~lph. Mr. Heiskell is chairman of the board of Time Inc. and also of Urba n America In c. Mr. Randolph is president of the Brother- hood of Sl eeping Car Pqrters. The Coalition was formed Monday , July 31, by 20 national leaders . . of business, la bor, relig ion, civil rights, and city government. It is calling the Convoca tion to mobilize the nation 's public a nd privat e resources in .a concerted atta ck on urban problems . Announce ment of t he da te and co-chairmen of the Convocation wa s made today a t a pla nning meeting i n th e Urban America o ffi c es . Also releas ed wa s a list of 12 a dditional individuals who had e x pressed support of the Coa lition but wer e unabl e to a ttend the July 31 me eting, and have joined the origi na l 20 leaders as members of. the Coa litio n St eering Committee: May or Ivan All en o f Atla nta; Roy Ash, Presid e nt of 4tto n Industries; Mayor Jerome P. Ca vanagh o f Detro it; Fre d eri ck J. C lo se , Chairman o f t he Bo a rd o f the Aluminum Compar:iy of America; Mayor John F. Co llins of Boston; __}>. Mayor Richard J . Dal ey of Chicago ; Henry Ford II, Chairman o f the Ford Mot or Company; James Rouse, President of The Rouse Company and of Urban America Inc.; The odore Schlesinger, President of Allied Stores Corpora- ,., �The Urban Coalition FOR IMMED IATE RELEASE Page 2 tion; Asa T. Spaulding, President of t he North Carolina Mutual Insurance Company; David Sullivan, Pre sident of the Building Service Employees International Union; and Mayor James H. J. Tate of Philadelphia, Presi- " dent of the National League of Cities. The Coalition ex pe cts an att endance of l , 00 0 at the one-day Convocation. Each segmen t will issue invitations to 2 00 individuals. , In the morning, there will be a general session on the Convocation' s three major pro gra ms. The y are: --An emergency work program to provide job training and employ- _ ment for the urban poor, now being draft ed into specific legislation ; - -A major ex pa nsion of th e priv ate s e ct or' s efforts to train a nd provide jobs for the hard-core unemploy ed, such as the "Earn and Learn" programs now underwa y in several citie s; --A long-ran ge program fo r th e phy sica l a nd s o cia l r e c o nstruction of American citie s "to bre ak up the vicious cy cle of th e ghetto," in th e . . \ . words of th e Co a lition's July 31 state ment of purpo se . Following the morning session, a d el egatio n from the Coalitio n ' s Steering Committee will ~all upon Congressiona l leaders o f both partie s . to present t hese programs. In the afternoon, the Convocation will break up into work groups to d i scu ss the means o f implementing these programs, particularly through formation of local coalitions involving the same segments as the national ..· ·. �The Urban Coalition FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Page 3 effort. At the end of the day, there will be a general session to hear a report of the Steering Committee delegation to Congress. The July 31 meeting at which the Coalition was formed was convened by Mayor Joseph M. Barr of Pittsburgh, president of the U. S. Conference of Mayors, and by Mayor John V. Lindsay of New York, a member of the Conference's executive committee. A copy of the Coalition's statement of purpose and a roster of the full Steering Committee are attached.

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