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Those attending the rr1eeting included: I. W. Ab e l, President, Unite d Ste elwork ers of Am e rica, AFL-CIO Arnold Aronson (representing Ro y Wilk ins), Executive Secretary , National Leadership Conference on Civil Rights Mayor Joseph M. Barr, President, U.S. Conference of Mayors Andrew J. Biemiller (representing George M e any), Legislative Director, AFL-CIO ' . Walter Fauntroy (repres e nting Martin Luther King), Washington Representative, Southern Christian Leadership Conference Arthur S. Flemming, President, National Counc11 of Churches Andrew Heiskell, Chairman of the Board, Time, Inc. and Chairman, Urban • America Inc . Joseph Keenan, Secretary-Treasurer, International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, AFL-CIO Mayor John V. Lindsay, Executive Committee, U.S. Conference of Mayors Mayor Arthur Naftalin, Chairman, Com munity Re lations Committee , U.S. Confere nc e of Ma yors Gerald Phillipp e , Chairman of the Board, G e neral Electric I 1. Walter Reuth e r, President, Citi z ens Crusad e Against Pov e r t y and Pre sident, United Auto Workers, AFL-CIO David Roc ke fell e r, Pre sident, Chase M anhattan Bank / Rabbi Jacob P. Rudin, President, Synagogue Council of America Bayard Rustin (repre senting A. Philip Ra ndolph), Ex ecutive Director, A. Philip Randolph Institute Bishop Paul Tanner (re pre sen ting Archbishop De arden), G e n e ral Se cre ta ry , National Confe r en c e of Catholic Bishops John Whee i er , Pr eside nt, M e chanics a n d Farmers Ban k, Durh am , N . C . , a nd Preside nt , Southe rn Re gional Coun c il Whi t ney Yo un g , Exe cutive Direc to r , Na tion a l U rb an Leag ue 7/ 31/6 7 ~ l p ..m • . �