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Finch Alexander Barnes Roth.schi1d & Paschal e'F\.R,L . L ~ {)€ R. '5 and THOMPSON Memb~rs of & HANCOCK 3033 MAPLE DRIVE, N. E. The American Institute o 0 ARCHITECTS ATLANTA 5, GEORGIA ° CEDAR 7-1546 of Arch;/ects ROMULUS H. THOMPSON HERMAN D. HANCOCK, JR. Februar:>r 17, 1969 Hr. Jack c. Delius, Depc1.rtn;ent of Parks City of Atlf:nta , Atlanta, GeorgiQ 30303 Re: A Building to House the Atl anta Cyclorama ])gar Jack: Enclosed, here1-ri th, are three copj_e s of our proposal for the Progr2m on the Cyclorama Building. 1v-,le a.re usi1!~ this peculiar, double headed letterhead so there will be no question about the fact tha t it -was prepared by both offices and approved by both _offices. We a re now in the proc ess of printing some spe cial · stationery just fo1~ this job; however, ue wer e a.n;dous to get this p r oposal in your hands as soon as possible. Yours very t r uly, THE CYCLO::ll\..EA A.1'=?.CHITECTS ~_,_)D --····· Romulus II. Thompson -;:;;:::__~ �