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Finch Alexander Barnes Rothschild & Paschal and· THO/v1PSON . ~embers of The Americ"n Institute of Architects & HANCOCK 3033 MAPLE DRIVE, N. E. 0 O A.RCHITECTS ATLANTA 5, GEORGIA 8 CEDAR 7-1546 Fcbru~ry 18, 1969 · Hr. Jack C~ Delius, General Hanager · Department of Parks City of Atlanta Atlanta, Georgia 30303 Re: A Builciing to House the Atlc.=mta Cyclorar:i.a Dear Jack: !- Before any co:nprehensive or intelligent plc.nning can be done, a Progr2...rn. must be prepared. Horr:1:J.l l;f the Oimer prepares the Prozrat.i. T'nis is given to the Architect at the very start of the project and forms the basis for all future planning. Since a Progr2.l7l. has not been prepared, we are in 2. position to help prepare this Program. The Progr21!1 should fully set forth but not be li'Tii ted to the follm-d.ng: 1. All activities and functions to be carried out in building. 2. Consideration of complete program for viewing of painting to determine exact sequence of events and movement of crowds. J. Atmosphere and mood desired to be created in various areas, 4. Nature of 2.nd. list of a.1 1 items to be displayed in museum. 5. Circulation and functional r elationships. 6. Special effects desired. 7. Crowd movement and handling. 8. Location of building. 9. Relationship to other buildings and sites in park. 10. Or i ent ation of building. 11. G:mer2.l psychol ogy of building and s etting. �Mr. Jack Delius, General Manager February 18, 1969 PaP-e 2 12. Desirable number of people to be accom.modated in each area. 13. Quality and size of concessions. 14. Priva.te offices. 15. Special electronic control of progr2m. 160 Climatic control. 17. Special fire safety equipment and precautions. 18. Security ~equirements. 19. Special surfaces and treatments. 20. Temporary hand.ling of Cyclor~1a painting and foreground. 21. Requirements of restoration building. 22. Perm.anent mounting of Cyclorama painting. 23. Relationship with restoration artists. 24. Service ar ea desired. 250 Storage a.nd utility r equiremen~s . 26. Parking , public and private. 27. Loading requirements. 28. Extent of l andscaping. 29. Special consideration for handicapped. 30. Fallout shelt er consideration. 31. Decisions concerning special consultants . Since this Program will be a joint effort between the O,mer and Archi tec ts, it logically follows t hat much time and cooperation will be required of all parties concerned. It is difficult to estimate the time r equired to prepare this Prograi~ due to the uniqueness of the proj ect; however , we f eel that this could be accomplished in · one month ' s .time of concentrat ed effort. I n order for the P2.:c~-cs D3partn ent to t ac~e ma:d.I'lw-ri advantage of t..h.ei-r mm persori.nel tm-rc1.:-cd. 1-:e Bpin~ the cost of the ?rogr2.m Development dmm, we p~·o:pose· to perform this servi ce on .s.n hourly basis . Si nce onJ.y the Principals from the t1ro �r- - Mr. Jack Delius, GeneraJ. Manager Feb~ary 18, 1969 -P-a.P"e ··3 --- -- archi tectura], firms ·would be involved, the hourly rate would be $12. 00 t,imes a factor of 2. 75 to co·rer overhead and profit. Should the Program take longer tha n anticipated., we further propose to guarantee a 1113.ximum charge of $7,500. 00. P..fter the Program is written and c1.pproved and we have signed the contract for the normal architectv,ral work , then u e propose to credit one-half of any funds paid on the Program toward paj71nen-t, of the regular archi tectu.-ral fee. · I Since certain consultants will be involved and should be so stated in t.h.e Architeci;,ural' Bontract, we plan to d.N.w up the Architectural Contract after the Program is ·written. We would like to immediately start work as soon as this is approved. need is your approval olii the enclosed copy of this letter . All we You.rs very truly, THE CYCIDRAl&"\. ARCHITECTS 11 ~.D .___I.___=(.;?~~=. , .,.-,---~~---~,-/i ' . . Romulu~ H. Thomp son / 1/ c:=;;-!lltttr~i J. H. Fihch J' APPROVED BY :