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' SENATE RESOLUTION 79 ·, By: Senato r Spinks of the 9th A RESOLUTION Cr eating an Int e rim Study Committee to study the advisability of establlshing a historical museum for the State of Georgia; of relocating the Cyclorama; and for other purposes. J' WHEREAS, Georgia was one of the thirteen original colonies and one of the States of the Confederacy and is rich in historical heritage and does not have a historical museum memorializing the role played by Georgia and 1r\._ _J _· by Atlanta in the overaU-history of the State and particularly in its leadership during the tragic War Between the States, and WHEREAS, the location of the State Governmental Complex and the surrounding area is part of this dramatic history and would be an appropriate place for such a museum, and WBEREAS, th~ Cyclorama which depicts so vividly this role in 0 a world famous painting is presently housed in a building in Grant Park which ) - is inadequate to hous~ a painting of such value and histo.rical significance ... . ,.# .

and i.s deteriorating and must be replaced and whose present location is not l"ealily accessible to tourists traveling through Atlanta, ·and WHEREAS, the Cyd'brama should be relocated in a suitable buildd.ng in a location so that it will receive adequate protection and so that the many Georgians and the many citizens of other states who desire to see it w ill be able to do so, and WHEREAS, th e State of G e or g ia, City of Atlanta, County of Fulton Governm enta l compl ex is loc at e d in an area n ear th e North..:South, E a st:. West Inte r state Highway E x change , with ad e quate parkin·g facilitie s available S-. R. 79 - I- .. �I \ and planned, and is adjacent to the Zero Mile Post which is the historical center ' I of thi s area and has ~earby a large tourist development under construction depicting .Atla nta of the same historical era as that depicted by the Cyclorama whi ch will attract large numbers of visitors to the area. I . NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF GEORGIA that there is hereby created an Interim Study Committee to be composed of the members of the Senate Tourism Developmen·t Study Committee, and seven members of the House of Representatives to be app~inted by the Speaker thereof.·· In addition to the above members, the n --:. ' . ' , ~ Committee shall also have a member thereon, appointed from each ·o f the following: City Government of Atlanta; Government of Fulton County; City Parks Department; State Properties Control Commission; Na sher Corporation; Georgia Historical Commission; Central Atlanta Progress Committee; Atlanta Historical Society; Atlanta Chamber of Commerce; Tourism Division ' of the Board of Industry and Trade; Georgia Building Authority; and the Attorney General. The Administration Floor Leaders of the House of n "--..,_.// · Representatives and the Senate shall be named as membe:ts and tµe Secretary of State and State Auditor shall be· ex officio members. The Committee shall make a thorough and exhaustive study of the advisability of establishing such a historical museum and or relocating the Cyclorama within this historical and accessib\e area. The legislative members of the Committee shall receive the compensation and ex penses ·authorized for members of Interim Legislative Study Committees . Th e Co m mit tee _s h a ll be auth ori zed to emplo y such S. R. 79 -2- .. �I I ., assistance as they de em ne c es~ar y to carry out the purpo s es of this resolutio n . r' __ _ ___T_he funds necessary to c arr y ou t the purpose s herein shall come from funds appropriated t o o r availa bl e to th e Le g i s l a tive Branch of Government. Committee is autho rize d to meet fo r no more than ten days. The The Committee shall make a repo rt of its fi nd ings and recomm e nd a tions to the 1970 Session I I of the General Assembly, a t w hich time it shall stand abolished. 0 ,-_ ... .,. \ I


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\. '_, ', i S. R. 79 -3- ..

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