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,nare one representc,,, , , ~ ,,. , W,e sugvg .:; _. . ~ .u , ~ · ;,.,"' . state s senatorial 1• districts would be entit1et::l to three . or four representatives. If ,,each , of the 54 senatorial districts was entitled to fhree, it wou.ld ci ·,·give 162-member House. Four would give a total of 208. We favor establishing House districts by dividing State SenI, atorial dilitricts. (Atlanta Daily World, . thrt, f;. a · · - ~ ----Nev-. 19, 1964) W·ise Planning Earned At(anta ( _ . . h M•I k · B . South's T. 8~. I WIU ee raves largest Negro daily) · Atlanta saw its ambitions for major league sports tremendously buoyj!d b.y the inperson opinions expressed by Tom ·Reynolds, .ex~cutivE; '{ice-president of the Milwaukee Breves, and John lewis, also a club aid·e. This gigantic lift or shot-in-the -arm for p r.ofes.sionaL sports came in a _news conference called by Mayor Ivan Allen,Jr. __ It was especially heartening to hear the clubspokesme·n state ·"We may play in Milwaukee but our hearts will be in Atlanta during th,e regular 1965- season." What the ~raves' spokesmen have done is to justify the faith of Atlanta planners and builders in going chead w ith constructi.o n of our $18 million dual purpose stadium, which when comple_t~d w_ill be a ,lnagnificent three -tiered facility with a m,aximum seating capacity· of 5·7, 100. For without this stadiu·m, Atlanta would not be , so far along the rood to bigtime competition. the '_ br ead. comp ed erthe C emplo. placeq Rev. only Recrei City c. In tha gation Sava.n: R,ev. his owr,. ior Di'Ithe "Or Macon. His shocked be able may be Hospital, hours. It is to the credit of Mayor Allen ; Arthur B. Mongtomery, chairmcrn of the Atlanta-Fulton County Recreation 4,u th.ority, and 1 members Mills B. lane, Op ie l. Shelton, Carling Dinkier, Jr. , Henry (Conti' Dorsey, Edgar J . Forio, Earl Landers, Harold McCart· and John A. ·.•. .Wh"te that they had the vision to ~o ahead with wise planning the Uni te. phd constructive negotiation to assure a stadium and such fine The YOU· ed Nation, tenants as the Milwau,kee Braves. ,. (lf what I Public officials in Atlanta and Fulton County likewise deserve for ." commendation in making this dream come true. "All t he - We are happy that the Braves are putting their faith in continuity Ath:m'ta's future and may their stay be mutually benefitting to and reglste1 the UN is t\ all parties concerned . While the Braves may not complete their the insplrin~ tonsfer here in '65, it is almost an unanimous petition, "Y'all ence to me," During the Come." Atlant . . = - Conference House, Erwlr The Christi livered a s~ of forei gn d ames Llz:;::le Ni xon. Lillie Moses. Another spe and Mrugaret Braswell participated Gardner, dep In the "Missionary Mar ch " which U . S . Sepr.,, was held last Th ursday n\ght. Rev. ed th e L. W. Hope and Dr. J . S. Down: th were assigned back for this confeernce year. Bishop E. L. Hie was the presiding bishop. Sgt. an d Mrs. lJ.i mar Jr dolyn, Kenneth returned to E DALLAS , GEORGIA - - DALLAS, Ga. - The 75th Church and 14th Pastor's Annlversar!ei; were ·observed at Shiloh last Sunday. Rev. J . A. Alfore, pastor (lf -::-;..N~ Friendship Baptist Church and . - oongr.egation had charge of the ser - _111ces Sunday afternoon. Many from St. Paul attendee! Uw - :Atlanta - North Georgia Conference held at St. Mark A. M. F~ Church in Atlanta last week. Mes- �