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Staf f Photo- B i ll Wil son ATLANTA YOUNGSTERS MEET BRAVES' HANK AARON, E DDIE MATHEWS D. C. Harris and Sons , Carlton (C) and Barry Visit New Atlanta Stadium ATLANTA

, Continued From Page 10

he' continued, " it would be 10.-:... to '. :maybe 11 - rr.on ths before I'd get to see t hem . I am definite1y not going to do that. ~1)1at would be crazy - I couldn't stand being away from them that long," he said . The Aarons have four children, three .l of them sch?ol age. Aar on indicated he had talked with some real estate men during his short stay here. " My iWife and I will be back, maybe 11ot before the start of t h i s season, but we will be back and looking." . - ~ F !J S1 r1 �