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..,. ~ ... - ...,... ._, ...- - T -- -- TTA CONSTITUT ON nary 29, 1965, Page 39 • usiness


Hank, E ·e Here, Aaron DenieS Fear By HAL HAYES Eddie Mathews and Hank Aaron, the Braves' power tandem which is capable of belting a home ' ,_.,,.,-~-\,,.,,•. run out of any park in America - including Yellow,._stone - came 'home' Thursday. Due to circumstances be y ond the control of Atlanta , the rest Of their teamHal Hayes mates won't be permitted to migrate here until 1966. But the Atlanta reunion of the National League club is booked for 1966, plain and simple. Both began talking about the franchise leaving its Milwaukee reservation shortly after stepping off Delta Flight 843. They are here for Friday's 100 Per Cent Wrong Club at the Americana Motel. Both will receive awards at the occasion. "I was misquoted about fearing the move to Atlanta because of racial problems," Aaron said. "I never said anything like that. In the first place, I've never feared such. "I am a Southerner myself (born in Mobile, Ala .), and have played ball in the South," he continued. "It's just that I have reservations a b o u t leaving Milwaukee. When you have lived in a city that long, you become accustomed to your friends and it's hard to pack up and leave. "That's what I told reporters. I didn't say anything about racial incidents . . . or anything like that." Aaron, expected to talk '65 Continued on Page 41, Column 3 Staff Ph oto-Bil l y Downe fIANK AARON WAVES A HELLO TO ATLANTA, ED MATHEWS SMILES Braves Stars Arrive in "New Home" for 100 Per Cent Wrong Banquet �